Yearly Archives: 2015

Tell Someone the Things You Admire About Them

- - Business, Experiences

My mentor called me one day and said, “You’re in trouble.”

I knew he was joking, but I was still a little nervous. What could this be about?

He said, “Diana, sometimes in life we don’t always get feedback on how we’re doing as a boss, as an employee, as a friend, as a spouse or as a parent.”


Telling someone that you admire them is one of the most thoughtful acts of kindness.

“Just in case I get hit by a bus tomorrow, I wanted to make sure the people whom I admire know how I feel about them.”

He went on to share very specific qualities of mine that he admired: educated, good attitude, plays well in the sandbox with others, good communicator, good mother and wife, good work/life balance, and head screwed on tight.

As he told me these things, I sat there in a positive state of shock, and I felt a tear collect in the corner of my eye.

Hearing someone tell me all of the things I was doing right gave me that same magical feeling of opening presents on Christmas morning, except this time each kind word my mentor spoke to me became its own present.

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Grandparents Day for a Child Without One

My friend, Jody, told me her son, Austin, was crying because he no longer had any living grandparents to take to Grandparents Day at school. He lost his grandfather earlier in the year.


“Grandmother” & “Grandson”

I have known Austin since the day he was born and could not stand it that he was heartbroken. I told Jody to have him call me. I would go as his grandparent. When Austin called, I asked him, “Do you want a young grandmother or an old one?”

In my mid-forties at the time, I prepared to be a young grandmother but as luck would have it, he asked for “old!”

I told him, “Old is what you want, old is what you will get!” Continue Reading

Lottery Ticket Wedding Anniversary Bouquet

- - Anniversary

Have your wedding anniversary gifts become predictable and expected? Even worse – boring? Don’t stress…


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This wedding anniversary gift idea has it all! It’s creative, unique, sentimental and funny!

Take lottery tickets and arrange them into a lottery ticket bouquet inside a flower pot. Read “Lottery Ticket Bouquet | 40th Birthday Gift for the items you’ll need and instructions on how to assemble the bouquet.

You can purchase a random number or the same number of lottery tickets for the number of years you’ve been married.

For the “thoughtful twist,” add a message that says, “Being married to you is like winning the lottery every single day.”

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Bicycle Gift for All Ages

Waking up Christmas morning to find a bicycle under the tree is a memory that lasts a life time!

Receiving a bicycle as a birthday gift also makes for an exciting and memorable moment.Who says the fun has to stop when we become adults?

Our grandparents surprised my brothers with new Schwinn Sting Ray bikes for Christmas in the 1960s. They went everywhere on themnew-bikes-thoughtful-gift-ideas and rode from morning until dark. Many of you who are Baby Boomers remember doing this too.

My husband and I purchased bicycles in our early married life. We would ride through neighborhoods looking at new houses and wondered, “What do people do to afford $35,000 homes?” That sure was a looooong time ago!

When my son was almost one year old, I told my husband I wanted a bicycle with a baby seat for Mother’s Day. Dustin loved riding with me. It was a wonderful way to exercise especially carrying that extra weight–not mine–my baby!

The last bike I received was for my 59th birthday from my mother. It happened to be one of the last gifts she gave me before she passed away. It’s pink because my mother thought it was the perfect color for her daughter! Continue Reading

Saying Thank You With a Short Video

When more than 20 of my friends and family helped me raise $1,500 for the Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma’s storm shelter campaign, I was extremely grateful.

thank-you-short-video-sunburst-giftsTheir donations will ensure the safety of girls and volunteers at Camp E-ko-wah during tornadoes and other severe weather.

As part of the campaign, their generous support also pushed me to go Over the Edge – literally! – by rappelling 16 stories down the side of a skyscraper in Oklahoma City. It’s an experience I will never forget.

Instead of writing thank you cards, I decided to record a personal message and combined it with photos and rappelling footage from my GoPro video camera. I put together a short thank you video with the intent of sharing my rappelling adventure and expressing my heartfelt gratitude.

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List of Things I Love About You | Anniversary Gift

My dearest friend, Janiece, celebrated her 43rd wedding anniversary by coming up with a list of 43 things she loved about her husband, Bryan. He’s a sentimental guy so this was a perfect anniversary gift.

He even wrote about it on Facebook and said, “Cards sometimes don’t convey what you want to say but Janiece sent this to me this morning.  Means much more than any card she could have gotten.”

Here is what Janiece wrote to Bryan.

43  things about our life together that make me happy that I’ve been married to you for 43 years:

Bryan & Janiece

Bryan & Janiece

1. How you asked me on our first date to double date with your mom
2. When you asked me to prom
3. How awesome you were when you found out you were going to be a daddy
4. How hard you worked to make a living for the three of us
5. That you loved my parents
6. The homes you’ve built for us….strong and steady just like you
7. The home you built for my parents….they loved that house so much
8. That you never complain about my cookin’
9. The commitment to family vacations to hold us together
10. Supporting my business career. If not for you I would not have even tried.
11. I love your hair… don’t ever go bald again
12. Your strong shoulders and gentle hands and your good kisses
13. I even love that you do your own laundry
14. And you let me have my own bathroom Continue Reading

We’ve Opened Up an Etsy Shop!

Sunburst Gifts Thoughtful Heartful Etsy ShopYou can now visit the Sunburst Gifts Etsy Shop at!

We’ve had requests for babysitting gift certificates so we made that our first product. Thoughtful gift givers can purchase instant downloads of our printable babysitting gift certificates in yellow, pink and blue colors or buy them as a 3-pack bundle.

Every parent can use more time for themselves so babysitting gift certificates always make popular  gifts for baby showers, birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Christmas.

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Cheer Someone Up With a Box of Sunshine


Do you know those people who are naturally crafty? They can do things like sew, cook, bake, decorate, paint (probably spin straw into gold too) and everything they create looks like it came straight off the page of a Martha Stewart magazine. They drive me crazy jealous!

Box of Sunshine Get Well Gift IdeaWell, my co-worker Kelly is one of those people. Mucho talented. And she’s always using her talents to bring joy to others – like when she bakes her famous cinnamon rolls and brings them to the office.

Kelly shared with me that when she has friends or family who are sick, hospitalized, homebound, in physical rehab or dealing with chemotherapy, she makes them a Box of Sunshine. Then she fills it with everything YELLOW!

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Half-Dollar Coin | Year of Birth

All birthdays are special and when you turn 75 – WOW – the things that have been witnessed, experienced and changed through the years deserves celebration!


A half-dollar coin from the year of someone’s birth year or wedding year makes a unique and memorable gift.

Dick was born in 1939. That was the year of the largest world fair in New York. The theme was the “World of Tomorrow” where futuristic inventions were on displayed like robots and automatic dishwashers. President Roosevelt spoke on a television welcoming the attendees to the world’s fair.

WWII began in 1939, the average price of a car was $700, classic movies were The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind. A gallon of gas was 10 cents and the average yearly wage was $1,730.00

The 1940s, the Greatest Generation, created things like Duct tape, Jeep, color TV, Penicillin, Silly Putty, Atomic Bomb, Slinky, Tupperware, Microwave, Velcro and Lego. Continue Reading

Bachelorette Party Gift | Lipstick Kisses Picture Frame

- - $20 or Less, Wedding

I love the tradition of the Bachelorette Party. Having the bride’s girl friends all together for a girl’s night out is FUN FUN FUN!

Bachelorette Parties are also a big deal because friends will drive in or fly in from long distances for the special occasion of kissing the bachelorette’s single life goodbye!


BEFORE (click to enlarge)

For my best friend’s Bachelorette Party, I wanted a way for her to remember our fun weekend in Dallas and everyone who attended.

For her gift, I gave her a picture frame that said, “Sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs to find your Prince Charming.”

When she opened it, I told her that wasn’t the entire gift. I said the picture frame has a wide mat so everyone can add their lipstick kiss to it and sign their name below their kiss. I also told her that she can later use the picture frame to hold a group photo of all the girls from her Bachelorette Party weekend.

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