Yearly Archives: 2016

DIY Bedazzled Liquor or Wine Bottles

Looking for a gift with glitz and glamour? All it takes is adding bling to someone’s favorite bottle of liquor or wine.

diy-bedazzled-liquor-wine-bottleThis is the perfect gift for her! Guys, you’ll definitely get extra brownie points by doing the bedazzling yourself. Yes, it takes some crafting but it’s super easy.

She’ll end up appreciating the bottle as much as the alcohol inside! When it’s empty, the gift keeps on giving. Bedazzled liquor or wine bottles are cute enough to display on a shelf or to use as a flower vase.

This gift also makes a great 21st birthday gift!

DIY Bedazzled Liquor or Wine Bottles

Items you will need:

  • Gift recipient’s favorite bottle of liquor or wine
  • Embellishing glue or hot glue gun
  • Rhinestones with flat back
  • Tweezers if using small rhinestones

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Money Laundering College Gift Idea

- - Graduation, Money

It’s here! You can’t believe it! It was only yesterday when your child started kindergarten. Now your son or daughter is going to college and moving on campus.

money-laundering-thoughtful-gift-ideaA college student will need new items for his or her dorm room, including a laundry basket and laundry soap.

Ever heard of Money Laundering? Of course you have, but this gift item is not of criminal intent. It’s a creative way to give cash as a college gift!

Believe me this “Money Laundering” gift will bring a smile to college bound students even though they know they’ll finally have to do their own laundry. Oh, the hidden pitfalls of growing up!

You will need:

  • A bottle or box box of laundry detergent
  • Quarters and $1, $5, $10, $20 bills
  • Glue dots

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Pick-Your-Own Farm Experience

What’s even better than a farmer’s market for fresh produce and a fresh experience?


Pick-your-own farms! You’ll get the freshest, most flavorful fruits and vegetables for less money.

Even better, it’s a memorable and delicious way to spend time with friends and loved ones.

My husband and I took our toddler son to pick blackberries for the first time this summer. (It was my first time too!)

We enjoyed hunting for juicy, ripe blackberries among the blackberry bushes and filling up our pint-sized berry baskets.

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The Gift of Song | Singing Lessons

Is there something you have always wanted to learn to do? I love to sing. I just couldn’t carry a tune so I decided to take singing lessons.

gift-of-song-singing-lessons-thoughtful-gift-ideaI found a voice teacher at a local university who gave private lessons. She was surprised when I told her my request. 

“I want to learn how to sing one song – Fever.”

I’ve heard it all my life on the radio and in live musicals.

Peggy Lee made the song famous, and my favorite rendition is by Michael Buble.

It is one sexy song!

Never know how much I love you
Never know how much I care
When you put your arms around me
I get a fever that’s so hard to bear

You give me fever
When you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight
Fever in the morning
Fever all through the night

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Balloon Room Surprise

Balloons turn adults into little kids again, especially when they appear in an unexpected place like the office!

balloon-room-surprise-prank-giftTurning someone’s work space, whether it’s their office or cubicle, into a playroom of colorful balloons is a great way to surprise someone for their birthday, work anniversary, or to congratulate them on an achievement.

Giving someone a Balloon Room Surprise could mean blowing up enough balloons to cover their floor and their desk, or it could mean filling the entire room with balloons all the way to the ceiling!

For a thoughtful twist to the Balloon Room Surprise, hide a gift among the balloons for them to find!

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Chocolate Band-Aids for Life’s Boo Boos

Chocolate Band-Aids! Who thinks these things up? Whoever they are… I’m glad they do. I love the idea!

choc-aid-candy-get-well-thoughtful-gift-ideaAs a child, Band-Aids on a boo boo always made me feel better even if they were the plain kind. No originality waaay back then.

My children chose their own Band-Aids like Spider-Man or The Hulk. The instant a super hero Band-Aid was applied to a scrape, cut or scratch, my kids were up and running.

Now, you can get rid of someone’s crocodile tears and create a smile by giving a treat of chocolate Band-Aids! Continue Reading

Card & Gift From Child’s Favorite Disney Character

One of the biggest joys of parenting is the opportunity to inject a sense of wonder and excitement into your kids’ childhood. It’s why we get up in the middle of the night to set out presents from Santa and to tuck money under the pillow in exchange for a tooth.

card-gift-child-favorite-disney-character-mickeyThis thoughtful gift idea is a creative way to add a sense of magic and mystery to a young child’s birthday or Christmas gift experience!

Almost every child has a favorite Disney character or animated character they just adore. My son is obsessed with Mickey Mouse and his clubhouse friends.

Queen Darlene remembered this and for my son’s birthday she gave him a card and a gift from Mickey Mouse and Friends. She made the birthday card herself and signed it “Mickey.”

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Adorable Pillow Case Sets

We met Dan and Barb when they became our Realtors during my husband’s home building days.

We became close friends and through the years we have shared our life stories. One of my favorites is how Barb and Dan got married.


Tie the Knot Matching Pillow Case Set

They had been together for a couple of years, and one morning Barb proposed to Dan by saying she was going to be a Mrs. by the end of the day. She was waaaaay past waiting for him to propose first.

He, of course, was nervous but Barb is the love of his life and that day they went to the courthouse and became Mr. & Mrs. He has said lovingly more than once she “roped him” into marriage!

When Barb and Dan were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary, I saw these adorable pillow cases of a bride roping her groom with heart string in order to tie the knot on Well… it just seemed to fit their marriage proposal perfectly so I gave it to them as an anniversary gift. Continue Reading

Personalized Beach Towels

Some childhood gifts are so good you will still use them as an adult.

personalized-beach-towels-custom-giftIn grade school, I received a pink beach towel with my name embroidered on it from my aunt and uncle.

Each time I went to the public swimming pool, I enjoyed laying out my personalized beach towel happy with the thought that no one would ever mistake my towel for theirs.

A Useful Gift That Lasts

Almost 20 years later, I still use that same beach towel. Let me point out that I don’t even own another beach or swim item from my childhood. Just this one custom beach towel.

I will admit it’s no longer pink though due to a washing machine accident. It’s more of a cream color these days but my embroidered name looks as great as ever and the towel itself is in great shape!

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High School Reunions Create New-Old Friendships

- - Gifts for Me

Recently, I attended my 45th high school reunion and I’m still relishing in my new-old friendships.

high-school-reunion-thoughtful-gift-ideaI have several cherished high school friends who we’ve kept in touch all these years but with each 5-10-15-20 years and more, I’ve also created new friendships with old classmates.

I was a band nerd.

My whole high school experience was in the marching band, concert band and jazz band. We played victorious music at every football and home basketball games!

So my world mostly revolved around my band mates. Continue Reading