Easy Peasy Money Umbrella Surprise

At Sunburst Gifts, we love coming up with creative ways to give money. This time, shower someone with cash with a Money Umbrella!


Money umbrellas are a fun and creative way to give cash gifts.

When they open the umbrella, they’ll be completely surprised by all of the cash that falls out from the inside!

If you give the Money Umbrella gift in person, watching them open the gift and seeing their reaction is half the fun so make sure they open it in front of you. And get your camera or video camera ready!

You can attach a note to the umbrella that says “Open Me” but I prefer say something like,”Open it up so you can see that it’s a lot bigger than it looks. It will really protect you from the rain!”

Yes, little white lies are completely appropriate in these situations.

If you’re mailing the gift or you won’t be there when it’s opened, definitely include a note that says “Open Me.” You don’t want the gift recipient to miss out on their big surprise and, even worse, lose the umbrella and the cash because they had no idea what was inside!

Th Money Umbrella gift idea is so much fun to give and receive, and it’s easy peasy to create!


Here are the items you will need:


  • cash (use brand-new bills or iron any wrinkled bills)
  • umbrella (one you can’t see through)
  • ribbon (I used 1/8 inch wide)
  • tape
  • scissors
  • ruler


  1. Cut strands of ribbon 10 inches long equal to the number of bills of money you’re giving.
  2. Securely tape one end of each ribbon to a bill. (Don’t worry. The tape will easily come off.)
  3. Using double-knots, tie the other ends of the ribbons to the metal supports inside the umbrella (space them out evenly) so that all of the bills dangle down about 8 inches. Depending on the size of your umbrella, the length you want your bills to dangle down may differ. (It looks best if the top of the bills hang even with the outer edges of the umbrella.)


Close the umbrella half way and set it down with the top of the umbrella on the table or ground. Gently tuck all of the cash and ribbons inside, and then close the umbrella all of the way.


Now it looks just like a regular umbrella. You’re so sneaky!

The Money Umbrella thoughtful gift idea works really well for these occasions:

  • Graduation (It’s raining money!)
  • Birthdays (think April Showers for April Birthdays)
  • Baby Showers (May this baby be showered with love every day! )
  • Bridal Showers (Showering you today with wishes for a lifetime of happiness and love!)
  • Wedding (Here’s some money for a rainy day.)
  • Christmas (Money – the right size and fit every time!)

If you liked this creative money gift idea, check out Easy Peasy Birthday Money Box and Unique Money Gift for Graduates.

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.  – Dolly Parton

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