Who deserves a vacation from house cleaning the most? New mothers.

Pair a housing cleaning gift certificate with baby bath products for a baby shower gift that will truly be appreciated!
They’re so busy taking care of a newborn baby who depends on them for E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G they don’t have time for anything else!
Here’s the reality though. While new moms get that cleaning is not their highest priority at the moment, they still stress about needing to clean. It seriously weighs on their mind.
Here’s what’s probably going through their heads:
The piles of laundry just keep getting bigger and bigger. Make it stop!
Is that food crust on the floor from the spaghetti we ate two weeks ago?
What are people going to think when they come over? I hope they understand this is not how we normally live.
Thanks honey for cleaning the house but why does it still look so dirty??
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