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Money Bag | Two Gifts in One

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words “Money Bags?” Someone with lots of money, right?  Well… here’s a gift idea for a Money Bag (singular) that will fit anyone’s budget.

This gift is a “twofer” as my husband would say.

money-bag-thoughtful-gift-ideaPurchase a purse with lots of pockets and zippers. (For the guys, use a backpack.)

The more pockets and zippers to hide cash and coins, the more fun and surprised the recipient will be. You can either insert the bills so they are hidden or visible the moment they open their gift.

Fill the middle part of the purse with as many crumpled dollar bills needed to make it look full. Of course, the amount of cash is up to you. (When using a backpack, you may want to just fill the outer compartments with cash to make those look full.)

There you have it! A Money Bag full of money! Two gifts in one!

A beautiful purse or cool backpack and some spending cash is a memorable gift for birthdays, Christmas, graduations or Mother’s Day.

In suggesting gifts: Money is appropriate, and one size fits all. – William Randolph Hearst

Send an Easy Peasy Video Get Well Message

You’ve heard that a friend or family member is ill. You’re going to stop and pick up a get well card on the way home from work. Oops, life gets in the way and you’ve forgotten – again!


A video get well message is so much better than a get well card!

Don’t sweat it. I have a thoughtful and entertaining solution that works even better than a get well card. I know because it happened to me.

I was home recuperating from surgery when I received a message on my cell phone. It wasn’t a text, and it wasn’t voice mail. It was a video get well message from several of my cousins!  TOTALLY AWESOME!!!

I played the 10 second video over and over again because it made me laugh and grin from ear to ear. My cousins’ “thoughtful twist” of sending a video get well message instead of a get well card was both impressive and unexpected!

An easy peasy way to send a get well message is to pick up your smart phone, make a quick video and send. You’re done. No trying to remember to stop at the store to get a card.

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What Gift Should You Get for Someone With Cancer?

- - Get Well

I was diagnosed with breast cancer February 27, 2015. No, I did not smoke. No, breast cancer does not run in my family. As a matter-of-fact there has never been any cancer in my family, period!


Love the inspirational quotes & beautiful calendar to keep track of dr. appts.

I slowly began to tell family, friends and co-workers as I learned about my cancer, surgery and treatment. After the initial shock, everyone moved in orchestrated concert to give me their support. It was amazing!

I didn’t know what I needed but each phone call, text, video get well message, get well card, candy, hug, calendar, quote on canvas, journal and flowers were gifts that made me smile.

My co-workers immediately took over my duties and assured me they would handle it. They said, “Get well and don’t worry.”

My high school best friend took off from work and drove 2.5 hours to spend the day and take me to lunch. It had been years since we spent that much time together. It was like going back in time when we would talk non-stop about everything!

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Create Imagination with a Kids Bed Tent

Remember on rainy days when you were a kid making “forts” or “tents” out of blankets draped over furniture?


Fits twin or double size mattress.

My brothers and I had so much fun playing in the dark, using our flashlights, peeking out to see what our mother was doing, imagining we were lost at sea or lost in the wilderness, pretending we were cooking food on a campfire while eating snacks from the refrigerator, and sometimes coloring for hours in our very own hideout!

Children love having their own play space to let their imaginations run wild. But unlike a blanket fort, I have a gift idea that won’t mess up or rearrange your living room!

Encourage imaginative play by giving a child a Kids Bed Tent. They come in sizes that fit a twin or double mattress.

Kids Bed Tents can also be placed on the floor so you can take them anywhere in the house or even outside.

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Regifting | How I Gave a Repurposed Gift in a Meaningful Way

Have you ever repurposed a gift? Yep, I have! Ever told the recipient that it was a repurposed gift? I recently did!


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It was a book titled “Cationary Meaningful Portraits of Cats” by Sharon Montrose and purrrfect for my friend.

My husband and I have started talking about downsizing. Retirement is on the horizon, and we want to have more with less! More time to travel, less time working in the yard. More time for hobbies, less time cleaning the house.

More time for everything we want to do and less time doing the things we don’t want to do. You see a pattern? Continue Reading

1928 Ford Model A Car Ride | Wedding Anniversary

Here’s a gift idea for a wedding anniversary. Rent a car made in the same year the couple got married for a fun trip down memory lane!


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My deaf grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary August 12, 1985. Our family wanted to do something visual, unexpected and certainly memorable. But what?

We celebrated their 50th anniversary at church with wedding cake and punch. On their 55th anniversary, we invited family and friends to their home for the celebration. Nice, but very typical and expected.

One day, I just happened to drive by 20 antique cars that were parked at a local A&W Root Beer drive-in. Light bulb moment!

I pulled in, got out of my car, and asked the owners the year of their cars and would they consider taking my grandparents on a car ride on their anniversary.

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Shopping for a Friend in Crisis

- - Catch All, Get Well

What do you do when a friend or relative is experiencing a life changing event? How do you help when you are hundreds of miles away?

shopping-for-a-friend-thoughtful-gift-ideaPhone calls are helpful to let them know you are thinking of them, praying for them, or to ask the question “What can I do for you?” The answer is usually “Thank you, but there’s nothing you can do.”

Many of us can’t accept that answer. But what can we do?

My friend’s husband has been in the hospital for several months since having surgery that left him paralyzed. His focus is to walk again.

Sharon visits Dale at the hospital every day after work, and things have taken a toll on her physically. She lost weight to the point that her clothes don’t fit anymore, but she has zero time to shop. All of her free time is spent helping Dale get better.

That’s when it occurred to me how I could help Sharon. I could shop for her!

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Baby Bump Maternity Photo Shoot

Did you know there’s a whole industry in baby bump/pregnancy/maternity photography? Google it and you will see hundreds of amazing pregnancy photos.

pregnancy-photos-thoughtful-gift-ideaIt’s a wonderful way to celebrate the upcoming birth of a baby by showing off the “bump!”

My maternity outfits were much like my mother’s and grandmother – big flowing tops that hid our pregnant bellies.

In my grandmother’s day you couldn’t even say “pregnant.” The correct term was “in the family way.” Thank goodness that taboo is no longer the norm.

My mother told me when she was pregnant, you said the word “pregnant” in a hushed tone.  Oh, how glad I am times have changed! It’s exciting to be pregnant and maternity photos are a great way to share the joy with loved ones.

My friend’s daughter, Kelsey, is a professional dancer and her pregnancy photos feature her as a ballerina.

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In Case of Emergency Break Glass Money Gift

Do you need a memorable way to give money? I thought so!

in-case-of-emergency-break-glass-debit-card-thoughtful-gift-ideaSometimes money is the only gift to give to teenagers, graduates from high school or college, or newlyweds who need help paying for a honeymoon.

For some reason, writing a check even when it’s what is wanted, doesn’t seem much of a thoughtful gift. This gift idea combines money (or a Visa gift card) with something they’ll have fun unwrapping.

It’s called the In Case of Emergency Break Glass gift idea, and it works well for birthdays, Christmas, graduations, weddings or anniversaries. Continue Reading

“Wood Ya” Like a Father’s Day Gift Idea? | Wooden Watch

Finding a unique Father’s Day gift is sometimes a little difficult to do. The old stand by like ties, wallets, and shirts are so oh hum boring to give and receive. Let’s not go there!

wood-watch-father's-day-thoughtful-gift-ideaHere’s what’s trending now! Watches and sunglasses made out of wood. Now that’s what I’m talking about. Definitely on the unique side of gifts!

My husband enjoys wearing different styles of watches. He has dress watches, sport watches, chronograph watches, and LED watches.

Come to think of it, he really is a collector of watches. I suggested to our sons to get him a watch for Father’s Day but not just any watch.

Their dad doesn’t own a watch made out of wood, and I don’t believe he has ever even seen one! He likes to wear unusual watches and this particular watch “wood” definitely meet that criteria. Continue Reading