Baby Growth Calendar Photos

- - $20 or Less, Baby Shower

Parents love to capture precious moments of their baby’s first year, especially how fast they grow every month. I have a unique, cute and easy photo idea for every month – a baby growth calendar!


7 month, 8 month, 9 month, 10 month, 11 month, 12 month click to enlarge

My cousin took pictures of her baby girl with a large calendar desk pad. The photos consist of her baby lying on top of the calendar every month of her first year.

I’m sure it was easy at first but took several takes to get the photos just right when she started rolling or crawling. It’s all about creating memories, right?

She would write on the calendar 1st month, 2nd month and so on. This made for the most adorable baby pictures.

Any parent can easily replicate this idea. You can purchase a calendar desk pad for usually less than $20. Sometimes you can find calendars in pink or blue to match the gender of the baby.

You can also use this idea for a baby growth calendar as a unique baby shower gift by giving the new parent a calendar desk pad and explaining the photo idea. Also, write in a card the lyrics from Neil Sedaka’s song, “Calendar Girl.” If they are having a boy, take literacy license and change the word girl to boy.

I love, I love, I love my calendar girl/boy
Yeah, sweet calendar girl/boy
I love, I love, I love my calendar girl/boy
Each and every day of the year.

Moms and Dads everywhere will look forward to snapping those precious pictures of their sweet baby every month of the year!

A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.  – Carl Sandburg

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