Hershey’s Candy Bar Baby Birth Announcement

After 14 years, we have a new baby born in the family July 4, 2018. Announcing my great-nephew, Rogan Charles!

hershey's-candy-bar-baby-birth-announcement-thoughtful-gift-ideaAnd… GREAT it is!

It’s been so long since we’ve had a newborn in our family that when he was born on Independence Day, we definitely felt the parades, fireworks, and the whole nation celebrating was appropriate!

I wanted to take a celebratory gift to the hospital when we visited the new Mom, Dad and baby.

Easy Peasy DIY Baby Birth Announcement

I purchased 24 Hershey candy bars (12 plain and 12 almonds). Then I took a blue permanent magic marker and colored in the HE in HERSHEY.

It’s easy peasy! All you have to do is color within the lines! 

Or you can order online a personalized Hershey candy bar baby birth announcement with the baby’s name, parents’ and grandparents’ names, birth weight, and other delivery facts. Orders take one to three days to arrive.

Since I wanted to take the candy bars to the hospital the day Rogan was born, I opted for the DIY version.

Rogan’s Mom and Dad thought the Hershey’s candy bars were really cool.

I explained Dad could hand them out when visitors arrived to welcome their precious baby boy.

Of course for a baby girl, you color in SHE in HERSHEY. Isn’t this the cutest idea ever?!

This same idea with Hershey’s candy bars can also be used for gender reveal parties.

The birth of my great-nephew is as close as I’ve come to being a grandmother and my love exploded like the firecrackers on the 4th of July! I can’t even imagine how I will feel when I actually hold my own grandbaby!

When a child is born so are grandmothers. – Judith Levy

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