Balloon Room Surprise

Balloons turn adults into little kids again, especially when they appear in an unexpected place like the office!

balloon-room-surprise-prank-giftTurning someone’s work space, whether it’s their office or cubicle, into a playroom of colorful balloons is a great way to surprise someone for their birthday, work anniversary, or to congratulate them on an achievement.

Giving someone a Balloon Room Surprise could mean blowing up enough balloons to cover their floor and their desk, or it could mean filling the entire room with balloons all the way to the ceiling!

For a thoughtful twist to the Balloon Room Surprise, hide a gift among the balloons for them to find!

What you decide to do will most likely depend how big the room is, how much time you have, and how many people can help blow up balloons.

To save your lungs, you may want to purchase a manual balloon pump or an electric balloon inflator to blow up all of the balloons.

The Balloon Room Surprise also works well for an office prank on April Fool’s Day or when someone leaves the office for a few days. It’s also a great way to build camaraderie by involving your entire team or department in helping surprise and delight someone at work!

You could also do the Balloon Room Surprise for a child’s birthday or at a friend’s house.

Never miss an opportunity to have fun at the office.

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