Decorated Number Birthday Candles

- - $20 or Less, Birthday

Sometimes all it takes is some gold paint and rhinestones to take something from childish to stylish!

decorated-number-birthday-candles4-thoughtful-gift-ideaAt the store, all of the birthday candles for sale look childish, especially the number birthday candles. No one over the age of 10 would actually want one on their birthday cake.

Unless… you gave those number birthday candles a make-over like I did!

For Queen Darlene’s 62nd birthday, I bought number birthday candles in the shape of a 6 and a 2 from the dollar store and blinged them up. Saying that Queen Darlene loves bling would actually be an understatement!

I used two items to transform the number birthday candles:

  • Gold metallic dimensional fabric paint (Also known as “puff paint” in the 80s.)
  • Rhinestones


  1. Get out your supplies.
  2. Use the paint to outline the number.
  3. Then, use the paint to fill in the number. The paint will serve as the glue that will hold the rhinestones in place.
  4. Decorate the candle with the rhinestones.
    TIP: Use tweezers to place small rhinestones.
  5. When finished decorating, set the numbers out to dry on a flat surface for at least four hours.

decorated-number-birthday-candles5-thoughtful-gift-ideaTIP: Stick a toothpick in the base of each candle when inserting into the top of a cake to keep them from falling over.

birthday-candles-flower-vase-thoughtful-gift-ideaEasy peasy! With this method, you can easily create number birthday candles kids and adults of all ages will love to have on top of their birthday cake. You can decorate number birthday candles using someone’s favorite colors or to match their birthday theme. Let your creativity pour out!

Youth has no age.  – Pablo Picasso

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