Custom Quote Canvas Art Gift

Everyone has a favorite quote or words to live by. It’s something that inspires us and speaks to our soul.


My favorite quote since college has been “Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory” by General George S. Patton.

I now have a new favorite quote, “Thank you for playing with me” by my son Aiden Jaeger!

Aiden first said it to his grandmother. I told my husband what our son had said and weeks later after an enjoyable One Day Staycation together, he said it to me that night. I’ve repeated that quote myself too.

I love that quote for so many reasons! It shows appreciation to someone for spending time with you, and it’s a reminder to play like a kid again.

Family Motto

It’s not just a quote anymore. It has become our family motto that we say to each other.

I wanted the quote to hang in a permanent place in our home so I created a Custom Quote Canvas Art. It displays the quote in a stylized font on a cool background.

quote-canvasThere are websites that allow you to design your own canvas of any size and there are others that will do the design work for you. Just search for “Custom Quote Canvas Art” on or

Custom Quote Canvas Art make great gifts for yourself or someone else. By turning someone’s favorite quote or phrase into art for their home or office, it will be displayed for everyone to see.

It’s personalized home decor with meaning!

What does your favorite quote say about you?

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