Free Puppies with Puppy Chow

For my father-in-law’s 85th birthday, we threw him a surprise celebration and made sure to include something he could share with the other residents at his retirement home when they stopped by to wish him a “Happy Birthday!” So we had Gramps give away “free puppies” with baggies full of puppy chow.

Free-Puppies-with-Puppy-Chow-gift-idea-sunburst-giftsOf course, they were not real puppies and the puppy chow was a snack for his friends. I filled a large basket with various small Stuffed Puppies
and created a sign that said, “Free Puppies.”

Everyone was thrilled to look in the basket and choose a “puppy” to take home. The puppy chow made a wonderful party favor and the experience resulted in a fun way to celebrate someone’s birthday.

This birthday happened several years ago before my blogging days so I don’t have a picture for you but I’m sure you have a pretty good idea.

I have since replicated the puppy chow idea many times for all kinds of occasions. The latest one was for a United Way auction at my office. This time, I paired a stuffed dog with a dog bowl full of puppy chow.

The puppy chow is easy to make and combined with a Stuffed Dog makes a cute gift for many types of occasions. I mean – who doesn’t love puppies??

Puppy Chow Recipe


1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup butter
1 cup chocolate chips
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
9 cups Kellogg’s Crispix cereal (any flavor)
3 cups powdered sugar


1. Combine peanut butter, butter and chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl.

2. Microwave for one minute then stir to blend all ingredients thoroughly. Add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla. Stir well.

3. Place the nine cups of Crispix cereal in a very large bowl.

4. Pour the peanut butter-chocolate mixture over the cereal and toss evenly, making sure all the cereal gets a good covering.

5. Place the powdered sugar one cup at a time in a large Ziploc type plastic bag or large Tupperware bowl with lid.

6. Add the peanut butter-chocolate cereal mixture to the bag or bowl, leaving enough room for the puppy chow to be shaken (you will have to divide the mixture into smaller batches, coating one batch at a time. Each time you add the cereal mixture, add another cup of powdered sugar).

7. Shake the bag or bowl vigorously to evenly coat each piece of the puppy chow with powdered sugar. You may need to add more powdered sugar if three cups are not quite enough.

8. Once the mixture is fully coated, place in a large serving bowl or treat bags.

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.  – Ben Williams


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