“Good as Gold” Dollar Coins

Turning 60 is a big deal! It was only yesterday, we were young, going to college, getting married, raising kids and taking annual girl trips.


Our Friendship is Golden – Birthday Gift

The five of my closest girlfriends have always celebrated our birthdays in some way or fashion.

We love giving each other gifts. Sometimes we would see a comedian, a musical, or play together as a birthday treat. Many times we would go to the birthday girl’s favorite place to eat.

My favorite birthday gift is a night of dancing. I love my girlfriends who are as good as gold for staying out late to dance the night away!

After 40 years of friendship, we have exchanged about every possible gift you can imagine.

gold-$-coins-thoughtful-gift-ideasI wanted to do something special for one of my girlfriend’s 60th birthday. Because we are not used to seeing dollar coins, I thought 60 golden dollar coins would make for a unique gift. 

I save my jewelry bags and use them to give gifts. They are perfect for giving golden dollar coins.

I also wrote in the card, “Our Friendship is Golden!”

Interesting Facts: The coin is not really gold. It is copper with an outer coating of manganese brass to give it that gold look.

The U.S. Mint prefers the dollar coins because they last longer and are recyclable. It is also being considered to stop the printing of the dollar bill.

Americans like the lighter dollar bill in their wallet, and until the dollar bill is no longer in print, the gold coin will feel special for a birthday or Christmas gift.

Love is the only gold.  – Alfred Lord Tennyson


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