Random Acts of Kindness for Your Own or Someone Else’s Birthday
When my friend Erin turned 34 years old, she posted the following message on Facebook:

Pay It Forward Idea – Tape a package of microwaveable popcorn to a Redbox machine along with a note!
Friends and family – I am on a quest to complete 34 random acts of kindness today in honor of my birthday… will you help? Pretty please!?
It can be as simple as buying the order of the person in the drive through behind you, helping someone load their groceries in the car or taping quarters to the candy machines at the mall. It can be done at anytime and anywhere!
And if you wouldn’t mind sharing with me (send me a text, give me a call, post it on my Facebook wall), I would love nothing else on my birthday than to hear about all the nice things being done for others! I am starting today with volunteering at the Oklahoma City Regional Food Bank until noon if anyone would like to come and join!
I love this idea of doing random acts of kindness or “pay it forward” type things for a birthday gift. Erin said she was inspired by a woman who on her 50th birthday drove around all day with her children doing 50 nice things for people.
Thank you Erin for reminding us how an act of kindness and the feeling you receive in return is one of the best gifts you can ever give yourself or others! I bet that due to your selfless giving that you will remember the details of your 34th birthday for the rest of your life!
Here are 25 ideas for how to pay it forward.
Don’t wait for people to be kind. Show them how. – Unknown
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Shel Harrington
Love this – what a great way to celebrate a gift-giving occasion! Thanks for passing on the idea!