Category "Money"

Just What the Dr. Ordered – Money!

I love to give money in unexpected gift containers and a prescription bottle certainly makes for a surprise dose. This is one of the easiest gifts to make.


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  • Prescription bottle
  • Large mailing label or paper and clear packing tape
  • Cash – bills or quarters

Just for the asking, my pharmacy provided me with a new prescription bottle free of charge.

To give you a couple of ideas, I created two different labels. One on a sticky mailing label and one on plain typing paper.

I found a large mailing label fits nicely on the large prescription bottle. For the smaller prescription bottle, I cut plain paper to fit and used clear packing tape to adhere it to the bottle. Continue Reading

Money Talks, Chocolates Sing! Perfect Women’s Gift

Want to give the perfect women’s gift? You can’t go wrong with chocolates and money!


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I love this saying – Money Talks, Chocolate Sings!

Give the special woman in your life what she loves – mouth-watering chocolates and a little extra money.

What you will need for this money gift idea:

  • Box of chocolates
  • Ziploc bag
  • Ribbon or bow
  • Money

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Beer Money Koozie Gift

Sometimes, the best way to celebrate is to buy someone a drink… or two or three.

beer-money-koozie-gift-cashIf you can’t be there in person to do it, the second best thing is to give them a Beer Money Koozie Gift.

Pick out a koozie (or coozy) for the lucky gift recipient, and place some cash inside. Then write a note with one of the following messages or one of your choosing.

  • Thought you could use some beer money!
  • Let me buy you some drinks for your 21st birthday!
  • A round of drinks on me!
  • Beer is happiness. This will buy you a lot of happiness!
  • Use this money to make happy hour last well into the night!

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Play it Safe Money & Candy Gift

Princess Diana has written a post about the importance of a fire and waterproof safe. My gift idea includes giving a fire and waterproof safe with money and candy inside! Surprise!

play-it-safe-money-fire-waterproof-safe-thoughtful-gift-ideaMany people usually stash a little cash somewhere in their homes for emergencies. And no…under the mattress isn’t a good idea.

So why not play it safe and give someone a fire and waterproof safe as a gift? For a thoughtful twist include money and candy to give it that WOW factor!

I’ve used this gift idea many times for my sons and nephews. I even gave one to my father-in-law so he could keep his candy under lock and key. (Seriously! In his house, he needed it.) Continue Reading

Want Cash Fries With That?

- - Birthday, Christmas, Kids, Money

Drive through McDonald’s, order a hamburger and drink, and what do you immediately hear through the speaker? Want fries with that?

want-cash-fries-with-that-thoughtful-gift-ideaWhat if the voice on the speaker said, “Want Cash Fries With That?”

No one would refuse! Unlike French fries, Cash Fries contain zero-calories making them the perfect and clever way to give money!


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Pop-Up Cash | Gas Money Surprise

- - Birthday, Christmas, Money

Getting to drive is what makes turning 16 so sweet! A driver’s license equals freedom and independence… if you happen to have both a car and gas money.

pop-up-cash-gas-money-surpriseThanks to my parents, I had a car to drive. But until I found a part-time job, I was strapped for gas money and could only fill my gas tank $5 at a time.

Many teenage drivers feel the same pinch when it comes to gas money and probably even more so with today’s higher fuel prices. That’s why gas money and gas cards will always be a thoughtful gift for high school and college students.

But let’s not be boring by giving cash in an envelope. Presentation and the element of surprise go a long way when giving cash.

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“SlipHer” Some Cash Slippers

Women love to have comfortable shoes, especially slippers to wear around the house after a long day.

slipher-some-cash-slippers-thoughtful-gift-ideaHere’s a cute gift idea with a play on words for giving slippers. I call it “SlipHer Some Cash.” 

Give the gift of comfort while hiding some money in the toes of the shoes.

Don’t give the surprise away! Let her discover the cash on her own when she tries on her new slippers. Instant cash will give way to an instant smile!

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How to Make a Money Crown

- - Birthday, Graduation, Money

Wearable money gifts. It’s a thing!

money-crown-creative-cash-giftThere are Money Leis, Money Chains, and now Money Crowns for the prince, princess, king or queen in your life.

Folding cash into the shape of a crown makes it the coolest way to give money as a gift! Okay, I’m a Princess so maybe I’m biased…

Money Crowns look striking, and it’s something the birthday girl, birthday boy or graduate can wear on their head during their party!


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Money Disguised as M&M’s Minis

My Mother started this Madness of Masking Money as M&M‘s Minis.

Money Disguished as M&M's MinisMom loved being a grandMother to My two boys. One of her favorites was Making things different than they appear.

Want to know how she disguised Money as M&M‘s Minis?

She purchased the M&M‘s Minis that come in a cylinder tube and reMoved all of the M&M‘s Minis. I think she Munched on them until there were no More.

The cylinder’s round opening is the perfect size for filling the tube with Marvelous quarters.

The small tube holds 56 quarters of Money worth $14 and the mega tube holds 72 quarters of Money worth $18.

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Open When… Envelopes

There’s a reason “___ of the Month” clubs are so popular. People love opening surprise gifts on a regular basis!

Most gifts you can open only once. But not Open When… Envelopes.

Gift recipients will receive multiple envelopes containing gifts they’ll be able to open over a period of months!


For this gift idea, you simply need envelopes, cash and/or gift cards, and a printer. On each envelope, print a different “Open When…” scenario on the front. Here are some examples.

  • … you need retail therapy.
  • … you don’t feel like cooking.
  • … you want to see a movie.
  • … you need pampering.
  • … you need gas.
  • … you’re craving ___. (Ex. Thai food, ice cream, fried chicken, etc.)
  • … you need a haircut. 
  • … you run out of booze.
  • … you’re hungry.
  • … you’re thirsty.

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