Namesake Keepsake Ornament

- - Christmas

For me, one of my favorite parts of having children is picking baby names.

namesake-keepsake-ornament-christmas-giftBoy did I have fun with it! Especially with my sons’ middle names.

My oldest son, Aiden, was born in 2012 during the Year of the Dragon so his middle name became Dragen. For my youngest son, Axl, I picked King because dragons and kings always appear together in stories… and it’s just sounds cool!

Keepsake Ornament Christmas Gift

I believe every kid should have their own special ornament on the Christmas tree so for both of my boys I gave them Namesake Keepsake Ornaments.

Hanging on our Christmas tree is a dragon ornament for Aiden and a crown ornament for Axl.

Axl’s too young right now, but Aiden’s whose five years old loves to show off his dragon ornament to visitors who come by our home during the holidays.

He knows it’s his very own ornament, and it makes him feel extra proud of his name. When he moves out of my house, he can take the ornament with him to put on his own Christmas tree.

Whether you pick someone’s first name, middle name, nickname, or last name for a Namesake Keepsake Ornament of your choosing, you will make that person feel special with your holiday gift.

We all love having things with our name on it or something related to our name!

There are so many variations to this gift. Just check out all of the custom name ornaments available on Etsy!

Love is the silent saying and saying of a single name.  – Mignon McLaughlin

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