Santa’s Naughty or Nice List – Add Names of Family

- - Christmas, Family

In 1996, I purchased a print of Santa Claus holding his Naughty or Nice List. The artist was there to write the names of who you wanted on either list.

On the Nice list, I had the artist write my husband’s side of the family – his dad and mom, his sister and her children, his brother, and my husband and our two sons – the lineage of the Drew family. On the Naughty list was my brother-in-law David and me since we were the “out-laws” of the family.

I framed the print and gave it to my in-laws as a Christmas gift. They thought it was a hoot!

Santa's Naught or Nice List Gift IdeaYears later when my in-laws decided to downsize and move into a retirement home, they had the “kids” go through their items and keep what we wanted. I chose the print and and it has been sitting in a box at the bottom of my closet for more than 10 years.

As luck would have it, I recently rediscovered the print of Santa. After looking at it, I realized my husband’s brother has since married and his wife and son were missing from the list. This gave me a Christmas gift idea!

I added my nephew on the Nice List. My sister-in-law should have been added to the Naughty List with the rest of us “out-laws” but there was just no room. Lucky lady. Guess that will always be David’s and my place of honor forever!

I recently gave the print of Santa’s Naughty or Nice List to my husband’s brother and his family as an early present so they could display it this Christmas season. I made them promise that when there is a new generation into our family that it will be passed along to them. Santa should never sit at the bottom of a closet for another 10 years!

Look around – you may have something in your home that can be turned into a family treasure and passed along to the next generation.

To keep your family story alive, share it from one generation to the next.

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