Cheer Someone Up With a Box of Sunshine


Do you know those people who are naturally crafty? They can do things like sew, cook, bake, decorate, paint (probably spin straw into gold too) and everything they create looks like it came straight off the page of a Martha Stewart magazine. They drive me crazy jealous!

Box of Sunshine Get Well Gift IdeaWell, my co-worker Kelly is one of those people. Mucho talented. And she’s always using her talents to bring joy to others – like when she bakes her famous cinnamon rolls and brings them to the office.

Kelly shared with me that when she has friends or family who are sick, hospitalized, homebound, in physical rehab or dealing with chemotherapy, she makes them a Box of Sunshine. Then she fills it with everything YELLOW!

(Sometimes Kelly said she’ll substitute a basket or plastic pail or container for the box.)

I love, love, love this get well gift idea because yellow is my favorite color! And it’s no coincidence that my blog is called Sunburst Gifts. Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy… (Amen John Denver)

bucket of sunshine gift ideaHere are some of the things Kelly said she uses to fill her Box of Sunshine, many of which you can find at stores like Dollar Tree, Michael’s and Walmart:

– rubber ducks
– wind-up toys
– solar flowers
– bubbles
– snacks like peanut butter crackers, Hostess lemon pies, cookies, Lemonheads and Sixlets
– candy like Juicy Fruit gum
– socks
– soap

Sometimes she’ll throw in random things into the box too just because they are yellow or come in a yellow package. Things like:

Download this Box of Sunshine gift tag

Box of Sunshine Gift Tag

– rubber gloves
– dish sponges,
– Carmex
– nail files
– tissues

After putting it all together, she wraps it up in one of those plastic tablecloths you can purchase for a dollar and then ties it up with a ribbon and flower.

Thanks Kelly for this very creative idea that will bring much cheer and needed sunshine into many people’s lives when their skies happen to be gray!

Printable Gift Tags for Your Box of Sunshine

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.  – James M. Barrie

Box of Sunshine Gift Tag

Box of Sunshine Gift Tag


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