“I’ve Walked in Your Shoes” Condolence Gift

- - Condolence

I’m at the age now where my friends’ parents are passing away.

i've-walked-in-your-shoes-condolence-thoughtful-gift-ideaI can’t believe it’s been three years already that my mother passed away. We spoke every day and spent a lot of time together, especially during celebrations like family birthdays and holidays.

There is not a single day that goes by that I don’t think of her. I miss her.

It’s one of the hardest things to do in life, to go about your normal routine after you lose a parent. You want to share a thought or an upcoming event only to realize you cannot pick up the phone to call your mother or father.

I’m thankful to my friends and family who helped me through my grief after my mother died.

When a dear friend’s mother passed away, I wanted her to know it IS true that time is a great healer. I’ve realized that all I have to do is think of a precious memory to know my mother is never far away.

When you have walked in someone’s shoes, it’s sometimes easier to find the right comforting words to share.

I was in a Hallmark store looking for a sympathy card when I noticed a bright beautiful pair of sandals. Immediately a thought came to mind, “I’ve walked in your shoes.” I purchased the shoes and penned these words in the sympathy card.

“I’ve walked in your shoes, and I know with each step the sweet memories grow stronger and the sorrow fades.”

It may seem odd to send sandals as a condolence gift but I felt it conveyed my experience. I wanted to provide my friend with a comforting thought that when she looked at her sandals, the beautiful memories of her mother would always be close and the grief eventually left behind.

When someone becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.  – Unknown

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