Gift to Celebrate First Day at New Job

Starting a brand new job is an exciting time in someone’s life and a cause for celebration!


My husband was not only starting a new job, but he was also starting his first job in his new career. This was a big achievement and I wanted to mark the occasion with a gift.

Thoughtful New Job Gift

That first day of a new job is always a mix of excitement, anticipation, and nervousness. Kind of like the emotions we all had on our first day of school. I wanted my gift to prepare him to start his first day on the job and give him something to look forward to at the end of the day.

I bought a gift card to Dunkin’ Donuts just around the corner from our house and a bottle of his favorite liquor.

The morning he started his new job, I put the gifts on the kitchen counter along with this note for him to find.

Coffee to start your first day at your new job,
A drink at the end of the day to celebrate!

With his gift card, he was also able to order some food with his coffee. When he came home, I loved hearing every detail about his first day on the job over drinks!

Other ideas to personalize this gift:

For the gift to start their day, give them the drink that gets them going in the morning. It could be coffee (you could brew it yourself and put it in a brand new coffee mug), but maybe they prefer an energy drink, soda, tea or juice. You could put the drink in a new Yeti tumbler so their drink stays hot/cold all day.

Instead of liquor to end their day, you could give a bottle of wine, a bottle of champagne, or something else they love to drink on special occasions. Or it could be a gift card to their favorite bar or restaurant where you could meet them after work for drinks.

A job is only as good as the person doing it.

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