Lotto Ticket Get Well Card

Need an easy peasy fun gift idea for someone who is ill or in the hospital? Choose a get well card and insert lotto tickets!

Nothing lifts someone’s mood better than dreaming about how to spend the money if you win!get-well-card-lotto-tickets-thoughtful-gift-idea

Gift of Possibly Winning Big

My friend, Dick, had triple bypass heart surgery and I wanted to send a cheerful gift. I wrote in the card “possibility of a winning lotto ticket” because I won just a few weeks before his surgery.

I shared my experience in the card. I explained the whole episode of asking my husband to pull into a gas station as I wanted to check my ticket. My husband did his usual eye rolling thing because I have never won more than a few dollars.

The clerk checked my ticket and the machine showed “I was a winner” but did not say how much. Odd, I thought. I watched her attach another ticket to my winning ticket and handed it back to me.

I asked, “How much did I win?” She said, “I don’t know.”

Now really confused, I asked, “How much money can you pay out?” She said, “$500. So you will have to go to the Lotto Commission and they will tell you how much.”

I walked out to the truck and told my husband I thought I won something big! I looked up the lotto numbers on my phone with my hands shaking so much I could hardly read them.

I screamed, “I won $9,000!”  And all my husband could say was, “Huh?” I guess he was stunned too!

Now for the rest of the story.

I put my winnings in the bank to decide on what to do. Well… after a few days our air conditioner quit after 21 years. The cost? $6,300. The exact amount I received after taxes.

Easy come. Easy go.

Even if you have never been a big winner, send a get well card with lotto tickets and give the gift of possibly winning big!

I missed winning the big lotto by one number!

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