Shopping for a Friend in Crisis

- - Catch All, Get Well

What do you do when a friend or relative is experiencing a life changing event? How do you help when you are hundreds of miles away?

shopping-for-a-friend-thoughtful-gift-ideaPhone calls are helpful to let them know you are thinking of them, praying for them, or to ask the question “What can I do for you?” The answer is usually “Thank you, but there’s nothing you can do.”

Many of us can’t accept that answer. But what can we do?

My friend’s husband has been in the hospital for several months since having surgery that left him paralyzed. His focus is to walk again.

Sharon visits Dale at the hospital every day after work, and things have taken a toll on her physically. She lost weight to the point that her clothes don’t fit anymore, but she has zero time to shop. All of her free time is spent helping Dale get better.

That’s when it occurred to me how I could help Sharon. I could shop for her!

I researched clothing stores located near her home so if she needed to exchange any of the items it would be convenient. During one of our conversations, I found out her clothing size and went shopping.

I purchased tops, a pair of jeans and a scarf and mailed it to her along with a note explaining how I finally figured out what I could do for her and that was SHOPPING! She laughed when she read the note and having clothes that fit made her day!

I’ve since sent her a purse and jewelry because every woman likes a new purse and beautiful jewelry!

Shopping for a friend in crisis whether it’s for groceries, necessities or gifts is a way we can help in situations where there is little else we can do.

Sharon’s birthday is coming up and I already know what to get her – more clothes that fit!

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.  – Helen Keller

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