Clever & Comfy Men’s Underwear for Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is mostly about girlfriends, wives, jewelry, flowers and chocolates. That means the guys are usually left out.
How about a package for their package?!

Yep! I can’t believe I just said that! I’m talking about men’s underwear, people! And not the boring white cotton briefs either.
My husband, Randy, and I were looking for men’s workwear clothing in Duluth’s Trading Co. when we came across some men’s underwear.
I started reading the names and descriptions of the underwear and started to giggle. The giggle became a laugh and eventually turned into an all-out snort-filled, eyes crying, bent over laughter extravaganza!
My husband just stood there acting like he didn’t know me.
Judge for yourself whether these are as funny as I thought they were.
Underwear For Him That’s Too Funny
Buck Naked Underwear – Like wearing Nothing at All.
No Pinch
No Stink
No Sweat
The next best thing to working in your birthday suit! Drop your drawers and go Buck Naked!
Bull Pen Underwear – Swagger Without the Swing
Supportive Pocket Keeps ‘Em Corralled
No hangin’ low or knockin’ around
Sure you’re a raging bull on the job site. No wall too thick to knock down, no roof too heavy to tear off before noon. Bullpen Underwear’s specially-designed pocket delivers unbeatable support to keep those wrecking balls corralled and comfortable all day. No Bull Guarantee.
And my favorite!
Armachillo Underwear – Put ‘Em on ICE
Hot weather scorching the family Jewels? Don’t suffer any longer.
Ditch the hot, sweaty cotton undies, and pull on the revolutionary cooling technology of Armachillo instead. Cool your Jewels with Armachillo.
Of course, I purchased one of each for my husband and my brother!
Randy stood in line with me as I continued the giggles which was infectious to others in line. I think I probably made a few sales as men and women got out of line to check the underwear out for themselves.
Verified by Randy, the Armachillo Underwear is no joke. It’s roomy, feels cool to the touch, and has lightweight wicking fabric to keep the boys drier.
Everyone wants something special for Valentine’s Day including men.
So don’t forget to give the men in your life some cool (literally!) underwear that’s comfortable and that will make them smile!
Life is too short to wear mediocre underwear!
ash green
It was really insightful.
Thanks for such a nice content.
BTW if anyone interested more have a look footwearboss thanks
prity Gupta
Hey Darlene, nice article to share. Definitely try for my next valentine.
Thank you! We love sharing thoughtful gift ideas.
Queen Darlene
Ankita Singh
Thanks For sharing the post. Keep up the good work. I really like the post
Mahbub Hasan
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