Get on Your Mark, Get Set, Go… Into Retirement

My friend and co-worker, Bruce, gave notice that he would soon be retiring. He was beloved by all of his co-workers, and we decided to throw him a retirement party.


Bruce’s retirement card and his new pair of tennis shoes

We visited on a regular basis when he came to my office looking for the newspaper during the lunch hour. Bruce mentioned one time that the very next day after he retired, he and his wife were leaving for vacation to Branson, Missouri.

He said they love going to Branson not so much for the entertainment but for the beauty of the area.They have a favorite hiking trail where they bring food and stop along the way to eat and take in the breathtaking landscape and blue skies.


The inside of Bruce’s retirement card

That’s when I thought of the perfect gift – a new pair of tennis shoes along with some socks for him to wear on his hikes!

I found out his shoe size by casually bringing it up in a conversation. (I can be very sneaky!)

I created a retirement card that said on the front:

Bruce, Get on Your Mark, Get Set, Go… Into Retirement

The inside of the card read:

Now you can run at your own pace!

Bruce did not expect running shoes for his retirement. What a surprise!

The Baby Boomers are yet again redefining another life event – retirement. Sitting in a rocking chair, doing nothing, and letting life pass you by… I don’t think so! Our sense of adventure doesn’t fade with age. We’re not going to let moss grow under our feet!

Millions of Baby Boomers are beginning to retire. I can’t believe that is my next big life event… unless my grandchildren get here first! 

There Are 2 Comments On This Article.

  1. I am interesting in this TV advisement. I would probably order that pair of retirement tennis shoes.Please excuse me that I am totaling deaf and am not in good English!

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