High School Reunions Create New-Old Friendships

- - Gifts for Me

Recently, I attended my 45th high school reunion and I’m still relishing in my new-old friendships.

high-school-reunion-thoughtful-gift-ideaI have several cherished high school friends who we’ve kept in touch all these years but with each 5-10-15-20 years and more, I’ve also created new friendships with old classmates.

I was a band nerd.

My whole high school experience was in the marching band, concert band and jazz band. We played victorious music at every football and home basketball games!

So my world mostly revolved around my band mates.

Not to say I didn’t have classes and shared experiences with the other 300 plus classmates, but they had their own world they orbited within such as sports, cheerleaders, drama, choir and many other activities. Even part-time jobs.

high-school-reunion-band-mates-thoughtful-gift-ideaWith each reunion, renewed connections with classmates opened doors to new-old friendships.

“Are you on Facebook?” was heard time and time again. Together, we had history!

It had been 30+ years since the last time I laid eyes on Dennis Hallman. He walked through the high school lunch room door and immediately recognized him because he looked just like his dad!

That’s another thing, we begin to look like our parents!

Dennis and I grew up on the same street, went through grade school, junior high and high school together. We had brothers who were best of friends. We knew each other’s parents and Dennis knew my grandparents who lived next door to us.
high-school-reunion-class-picture-thoughtful-gift-ideaDennis was my hero beginning at 12 years old when he took care of a bully who hit and knocked the breath out of me. I never ever forgot that!

We are now Facebook friends and no longer lost to each other.

After meeting at the high school for breakfast and tour, a group of us went to lunch together. I became reacquainted with my classmate, Sandra Middlebrook Decker.

She lives in Kentucky and had never been to a class reunion until now. I loved her sense of humor! Sandra suggested a high school girls trip. I hope we can make it happen.

A step back-in-time created an atmosphere of happiness, promises to keep in touch and future plans of get-togethers.

I highly recommend attending class reunions because you don’t want to miss seeing an old friend that is a part of your life story!

It’s the best gift you can give yourself reminiscing about youthful days and making new-old friendships.

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold.  – Campfire Girls song

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