Gift to Celebrate First Day at New Job

Starting a brand new job is an exciting time in someone’s life and a cause for celebration!


My husband was not only starting a new job, but he was also starting his first job in his new career. This was a big achievement and I wanted to mark the occasion with a gift.

Thoughtful New Job Gift

That first day of a new job is always a mix of excitement, anticipation, and nervousness. Kind of like the emotions we all had on our first day of school. I wanted my gift to prepare him to start his first day on the job and give him something to look forward to at the end of the day.

I bought a gift card to Dunkin’ Donuts just around the corner from our house and a bottle of his favorite liquor.

The morning he started his new job, I put the gifts on the kitchen counter along with this note for him to find.

Coffee to start your first day at your new job,
A drink at the end of the day to celebrate!

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Hummingbird Feeder | Backyard Entertainment

My husband and I really enjoy watching hummingbirds. These beautiful birds have become our favorite backyard entertainment.

hummingbird-feeder-thoughtful-gift-ideaHummingbirds are small, colorful birds with iridescent feathers. They are fascinating to watch because they can hover, fly right, left, up, down, backwards and even upside down.

They flap their wings about 80 times per second which causes a humming sound. Continue Reading

Custom Birthday Plate | Fun Tradition

- - Birthday, Kids

We all want to feel special on our birthday. Sometimes it’s the little things that make us feel EXTRA special.


Like getting to use a personalized birthday plate while every else uses paper plates.

Kids will especially love this tradition. All year long, they will anticipate getting to eat a big slice of cake on their custom birthday plate.

Think of the fond childhood memories this fun tradition will create!

This perfect birthday gift can be used year after year to celebrate someone’s special day.

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One-on-One Father/Son Time

Although my husband’s parents only live a few miles away, my husband doesn’t get much one-on-one time with his father.

fathers-day-gift-son-quality-timeThey meet up for quick lunches here and there, but they haven’t spent more than an hour, just the two of them together, in quite a while.

I wanted to remedy that with a thoughtful Father’s Day gift – father/son time!

I thought my husband and his dad would enjoy the experience of going to a professional baseball game together. It’s a perfect outing that combines sports entertainment and plenty of time to chat, drink beer, eat peanuts, etc.

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Summer Camp Care Package

I loved going to summer camp as a kid so I wanted my children to have their own experiences of summer camp. One of the differences between theirs and mine, I sent my children a surprise care package.

summer-camp-care-package-thoughtful-gift-ideaEven though I was having lots of fun, I remember being homesick and I was sure my boys were too.

Especially if this is their first time, receiving a care package of their favorite treats and fun games while away at camp, reassures your children they are loved and you are thinking of them. Continue Reading

Genetic DNA Testing & Analysis Kit

Imagine collecting a wealth of information about yourself, your relatives, and your ancestors based on your DNA.

Do you have to give a blood sample? Nope. Needles not necessary.


With the commercial genetic DNA testing and analysis services available, all you need to do is provide a sample of your saliva. Mail it in, and in several weeks receive a detailed genetics report based on your unique DNA.

DNA testing is very helpful in genealogy and ethnicity research. It essentially allows you to find your genetic family! If you choose, you can connect with the people in 23andMe’s database who share your DNA with you and message them.

DNA Testing Kits

I purchased for my father-in-law, Greg, a 23andMe DNA Testing Kit for Father’s Day. 23andMe based its name on the 23 pairs of chromosomes found in a human cell. Another popular kit is AncestryDNA.

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World’s Coolest Rain Gauge | Father’s Day Gift

Simply put, my husband enjoys his rain gauge.

worlds-coolest-cooper-rain-gauge-thoughtful-gift-ideaRandy is not only curious about how much it rains, but he also finds it useful to know how much to water the yard and flower beds.

In a previous post for Father’s Day, we purchased Randy a new E-Z Jumbo Rain Gauge to replace his father’s old gauge that eventually became weather worn.

Well… after three years that rain gauge stem broke while inserting it into the ground.

Instead of replacing it with the same brand, I found the World’s Coolest Rain Gauge that features interesting science behind it!

Archimedes of Syracuse, a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer, discovered the principle of water displacement, and it is demonstrated in this unique copper rain gauge (aka pluviometer).

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Plan A Surprise Party on a Holiday

My husband, Kevin, graduated with this Master’s degree this year. To celebrate such a major accomplishment, I decided to throw him a surprise party.

plan-surprise-party-holidayI schemed with his parents who was hosting the graduation party in their home. After checking with each other, the only date in May that worked with both of our schedules was Mother’s Day. Oh no!

That was my initial reaction. But after thinking about it, I realized there is NO WAY he would see this surprise party coming.

A graduation party on Mother’s Day? Who would do that?!

Planning a surprise party on a holiday provides the perfect cover story.

The Perfect Cover Story

I simply  told Kevin we needed to go to his parents’ house because for a Mother’s Day brunch. He easily believed it. I didn’t need to concoct some elaborate story to get him there.

Do you have people coming from out of town? They can say they’re coming into town for the holiday.

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Let Kids Camp Out Inside With Indoor Tent

Kids love camping outdoors but sometimes the weather or temperature just doesn’t cooperate. An indoor tent designed for kids will do the trick!

lets-go-camping-indoor-kids-tent-thoughtful-gift-ideaMy son needed a birthday gift for a four-year old boy. He knew little boys never have enough cars, super heroes and Legos, but he wanted to give something a little more imaginative.

Kids Indoor Tent

Dustin found the cutest indoor tent that would fit perfectly anywhere in the house. It’s perfect for play dates and sleepovers!

The Ozark Trail Kids Camping Tent is designed with pictures of the moon, stars, trees, a camp fire and a sign that says “Let’s Go Camping”.

The 5 ft. x 3 ft. tent also comes in a drawstring bag for easy storage.  Continue Reading

Indoor Go Kart Racing | Adrenaline Experience

If you’ve followed my blog for a little while, you probably know I like to give my nieces experience gifts.

indoor-go-kart-racing-experienceA few years ago, I took them on a limouisine ride to look at Christmas lights. This time when they visited during their spring break, I gave them a thrilling experience that got their adrenaline pumping – indoor go kart racing at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour!

Need for Speed

At Pole Position Raceway, as long as someone’s 48 inches tall they’re allowed to drive, so even my nine year old niece could do it.

My nephew joined my nieces and after receiving the proper safety training, it was go time! They put on their helmets, strapped into their go karts, and put the pedal to the metal!

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