Splurge on a Fancy Dinner | Culinary Experience

Have you every wanted to try an expensive restaurant but always talked yourself out of going there?


I’m guilty.

There is an expensive steak restaurant near where I live that I’ve always wanted to try. It’s so close to my house I drive by it almost every day.

The restaurant has a great reputation, and I’ve heard about the delicious food from lots of people I know. So why haven’t I gone there yet?

It’s not that I can’t afford it. I just always come up with different reasons not to. Let’s see…

I’d rather spend that money on something else I want. I feel guilty spending that much money on steak when I’m perfectly happy with the steak served at other less expensive restaurants. I end up deciding to try  another new restaurant in town that isn’t so expensive.

But guess what this lucky lady got for Christmas?! My thoughtful husband gave a gift card to the expensive steak restaurant in my Christmas stocking!

Since I would never splurge on going to that restaurant, he decided he would do it for me!

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Send Valentine’s Day Cards Postmarked From Valentine, TX

Looking for a thoughtful twist to sending a Valentine’s Day card? Have it postmarked from a town with a name associated with Valentine’s Day.

valentines-day-postmark-stamp-thoughtful-gift-ideaLike Valentine, Texas, Romance, Arkansas  or Loveland, Colorado.

I called the postmaster in Valentine, Texas, and he explained the process.

All you have to do is send your card addressed and stamped inside a larger envelope addressed to the Postmaster Remailing Program of the town from which you want it mailed.

He also said the elementary school in Valentine has a contest every year for the students to come up with a cancellation stamp for the post office to use on all Valentine’s Day cards.

Interesting Fact: Valentine, Texas’s population is 134, and the post office’s one employee hand stamps 7,000 to 10,000 cards. WOW!

I’m sending a box of chocolates as a thank you for stamping my cards. Continue Reading

A Candy Bouquet for Any Occasion

Flowers bouquets are considered a perfect gift for any occasion. Although, realistically, women tend to appreciate the gift of flowers more than men. Not so with candy bouquets. Men, women and children love them equally!

candy-bouquet-edible-giftA candy bouquet is like a flower arrangement except it uses candy instead of flowers.

Think about it. Not everyone has a favorite flower, but everyone has their favorite candy (or candies).

If you’re like me, you have more than one favorite candy. My perfect candy bouquet would contain Twix, Sour Patch Kids, Sweet Tart Gummies, Hershey’s Hugs, and Hershey’s Candy Cane Kisses.

Candy bouquets are a beautiful sight! They look expensive, but they can be created simply and inexpensively.

You can purchase pre-made candy bouquets, but by creating your own you can customize it to contain the gift recipient’s favorite flavors.

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Keep It Simple | Office Birthday Gift Ideas

I work in an office of nearly 100 employees and someone is having a birthday just about every other day.

Birthdays are listed on a monthly employee calendar which make it easy to send a birthday wish by email. But there are times when you want to recognize a co-worker’s birthday with a birthday gift.

keep-it-simple-co-worker-birthday-gift-thoughtful-gift-ideaEven though there are five different departments at my place of employment, we all work together from time to time and get to know one another’s likes and dislikes.

Favorite Cereals

This year, Jody came up with a great idea for Tiffany’s birthday. Tiff LOVES cereal and eats four bowls a day!

On the way to work the morning of Tiffany’s birthday, Jody picked up two boxes of Tiff’s favorite cereals, Froot Loops and Frosted Krispies, with a half-gallon of milk.

Jody tied it all together with a ribbon and when Tiff saw the gift sitting on her desk, she was thrilled! Continue Reading

Share A Coke With Someone’s Name On It

My co-worker Linda likes to surprise us at the office with gifts. She’s sweet like that!


Recently, she gave our ENTIRE Administration Team Coke bottles with our names on them. What a thoughtful gift because like most folks we love to see our names on things. It makes us feel special. Plus, everyone loves Coca-cola!

I have my Coke bottle still sitting on my shelf at work because I just can’t bring myself to open it just yet. It looks so cool!

To order a customized Coke bottle, visit www.shareacoke.com, and you can add anyone’s name to an 8 oz. bottle of Coke, Coke Zero or Diet Coke.

They make fun gifts for pretty much any occasion.

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Ceramic Woven Bread Basket | Keeps Bread Warm

Have you ever heard of a ceramic woven bread basket that keeps bread warm? My sister-in-law received one for Christmas and now, I want one!

ceramic-woven-bread-bowl-warmer-thoughtful-gift-ideaWhat I’ve always done to keep my bread warm is to wrap them up in a tea towel (just like my grandmother, mother and mother-in-law used to do) and place them in a wicker basket. Of course, they never stayed warm very long.

Keeps Homebaked Goods Warmer Longer

A heated Williams Sonoma ceramic woven bread basket will keep bread warm during your entire meal. Bread lovers can eat their second and third dinner rolls still warm!

It works by placing the ceramic bread basket in a 350°F oven for approximately 15 minutes. Afterwards, remove from the oven and line the basket with a cloth napkin before adding your bread, muffins or biscuits. Continue Reading

Pie Face Showdown Game | Whipped Cream Fun For All Ages

If it involves whipped cream, you know it’s going to be a fun time! I have a game that will entertain people age 2 to 102.

Are you ready to create some hysterical memories with your family and friends?

The Pie Face Showdown Game gives everyone the chance to throw whipped cream in someone’s face!


How you play Pie Face Showdown:

Two people compete by pushing the red button on their side as fast as they can to move the throwing arm loaded with whipped cream towards their opponent. When the loaded arm reaches either end, it pops up throwing the whipped cream SPLAT into the loser’s face.

My son and I played Pie Face Showdown with my sister’s family, and did we laugh and laugh! The players and everyone watching are giddy and excited to see who gets creamed. As you can see, we also ended up with hilarious photos of whipped cream splattered faces.

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Superhero Bathrobe Gift

superhero-bathrobe-thoughtful-gift-ideaNeed a gift for the superhero in your family, circle of friends, or co-workers?

I present the superhero bathrobe for your SupermanBatman, Spiderman or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in your life!

Let’s not forget there are girl superheroes too, like Supergirl and Wonder Woman!

Personalized Superhero Bathrobes

My office staff purchased a Superman bathrobe for our boss for Christmas. We personalized it by having his name embroidered above the pocket. He loved it!

These superhero bathrobes are made of incredibly soft fleece material that feels great against the skin.

Since it looks good AND feels good… there’s no doubt it will become their favorite bathrobe!
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KinderPerfect | Cards Against Humanity for Parents

Parenting is tough sometimes but it’s also hilarious, especially if you throw in some sarcasm and political incorrectness. KinderPerfect is a card game for adults who enjoy laugh-out-loud humor about the challenges of raising kids.

The game is simple. Each round, one player lays down a red question card and every other player lays down their funniest white answer card.

The person with the funniest answer card wins and gets to keep the red question card. The person who collects the most red cards wins the game!


KinderPerfect Card Game Examples:

Question Card: Before kids, I never thought about _____.
Potential Answer Card: A freezer full of breast milk

Question Card: All I want for Christmas is a day without _____.
Potential Answer Cards: Toddler erections

Question Card: _____ is why I am a failure as a parent.
Potential Answer Cards: Giving him the middle finger behind his back

Totally hilarious, right?!

The card game is similar to Apples to Apples  (kid and family friendly) and Cards Against Humanity (sexual and raunchy). KinderPerfect‘s humor is in between so you can play it with adult friends and family and not worry if someone’s going to get offended.

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Recreate, Repurpose, Regift Vintage Jewelry

Ever wonder what to do with broken but beautiful, vintage jewelry? Recreate! Repurpose! Regift!

vintage-jewelry-recreated-thoughtful-gift-ideaI received a picture frame containing vintage jewelry made into a dazzling crown. When I opened the gift, my mouth dropped.

My sister-in-law said, “It’s perfect for Queen Darlene!”

She was right of course! I loved all that beautiful bling! And because Karee designed and created it just for me made it even more thoughtful.

When she told me it was her new hobby, I began quizzing her about where she found the jewelry pieces, her ideas for designs, and how she made my crown.

A supplier provides her with vintage jewelry but she also finds them at garage and estate sales for reasonably prices. Karee explained she uses a special glue made for jewelry for all of her creations.
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