Monogrammed Duffle Travel Bag

Over the years, I have received two duffle bags as gifts. A beautiful girly duffle bag monogrammed with my initials and the other is an animal print personalized with Queen Darlene in rhinestones. I love them both!

A monogrammed duffle travel bag is a perfect gift for overnight trips or a week long vacation.


They are so roomy and hold a ton of stuff! I use them as my go-to bag for quick trips and as a perfect carry-on bag for longer trips.

You can personalize the bags with a person’s name or the name of a college, fraternity, sorority, sports team, cheerleading or dance group, bride or bridemaids.

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PAW Patrol Birthday Party Theme

- - Kids

My son loves the TV show PAW Patrol, so it’s no surprise he picked it for the theme of his 4th birthday party.

paw-patrol-birthday-party-themeI was excited about his choice because each of the pups on the show have really cool personalities and traits. I had a lot of fun planning his birthday party, especially the obstacle course in the backyard.

I believe the most important part of a birthday party are the games or activities. It’s the fun the kids have doing them that will create the most lasting memories. So that’s where I like to put my focus.

Pup Pup Boogie Song & Dance

One of the PAW Patrol episodes features a song called “Pup Pup Boogie.” It’s catchy and makes everyone want to dance. I printed off the Nickelodeon “Pup Pup Boogie” printable spin-the-wheel game. The spinner can land on different puppy moves the kids can do to the music of “Pup Pup Boogie.” The kids did moves like “tail spin” and “puppy pose” while the “Pup Pup Boogie” song played on a continuous loop.

Adventure Course

Each of the PAW Patrol pups have different specialties so I created an outdoor obstacle course for the kids to do. After completing it, each kid earned a PAW Patrol badge. I called it the Adventure Course, and it featured six stations based on the six main characters in the show.

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Jumbo Magnifying Glasses for PreK+

- - Birthday, Christmas, Kids

Little ones are so inquisitive and love to explore. “What’s that?” is a question parents and grandparents hear all the time. Let children satisfy their own curiosity with magnifying glasses.

jumbo-magnifiers-thoughtful-gift-ideaMagnifying glasses allow kids to see clearly in great detail butterflies, bugs, flowers, leaves, blades of grass, sea shells, rocks and a whole lot more. They will see the world around them like never before!

Pretty much everything under a magnifying glass is much more fascinating don’t you think?

It’s pure wonderment the first time a child sees an object through a magnifying glass. Just watch them place the magnifier over the object and then move it away, over and over again. They will be in awe and probably ask you, “How does that happen?” so be ready with your answer. Continue Reading

Star Wars Little Golden Books for Young Fans

- - Kids

I didn’t mean to introduce my son to Star Wars at the age of three – but it happened anyway.

My husband and I were rewatching the original trilogy at home before watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens at the movie theater. We had put our son, Aiden, to bed an hour before, and all was quiet in his room. Or so we thought…


We had just started watching the first movie, Episode IV: A New Hope, when we hear his little feet padding down the hallway towards us. He walks into the living room, sniffs the air, and says, “I smell popcorn.”

Dang it! Caught in the act!

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BlankieGrams Send Hugs & Healing Wishes

- - Condolence, Get Well

Don’t know what to say or do when friends and family are going through long serious illnesses, injury, or loss of loved ones? Wrap them in hugs, love and healing wishes by sending a BlankieGram.

blankiegrams-hugs-love-caring-thoughtful-gift-ideaBlankieGrams are soft cozy blankets printed with loving and supportive words to describe how much you care and that you are thinking of them.

Words like hugs, bear hugs, strength, lots of hugs, healing wishes, good thoughts and positive attitude.

I love the idea of wrapping them up in a warm blanket, like a hug, especially if you cannot be there.

I experienced this first-hand as our sister-in-law made a blanket for my brother during his lengthy stay in the hospital. It featured his favorite basketball team logo – the Oklahoma City Thunder!

He loved her thoughtful gift and wrapped up in the warmth of the blanket every single day. Continue Reading

One Day Staycation

Couples who are also parents often don’t have much alone time together, especially during the day.


Recently, I talked my husband into a one-day staycation. We both took off from work on a Wednesday so we could hang out all day while our kids were at day care. Our own version of a play date!

Finally, we could do the fun things we’d been wishing to do but could never find the time with our busy schedules as working parents of a baby and a toddler.

As we planned what we’d do that day, we felt that long lost feeling of freedom slowly come back. We can do what we want, when we want! Woo hoo!

Our daytime date definitely had a different vibe compared to our evening dates. For one thing, we had a lot more choices about what to do. Forget about the usual dinner and a movie date.

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Just Sayin’ Quotes, Sayings & Phrases

- - $20 or Less

With a smart phone or computer, you can send free thoughtful gifts anytime from anywhere by sending just sayin’ messages with quotes, sayings or phrases for any occasion.

just-sayin-life-without-dogs-thoughtful-gift-ideaYou probably already do this for birthdays and anniversaries without even thinking it’s a gift. But it is! You’re letting the recipient know you are thinking of them.

Send encouraging messages, inspiring quotes and funny sayings to brighten anyone’s day.

You can do this by email or by text message.

There are literally thousands of picture quotes to choose from on Google.

Or do as I do and save your favorites from Facebook to share later. I even take pictures of things or places that remind me of a friend or family member to send to them later. Continue Reading

Wine Bottle With Custom Label

We’ve all been guilty of buying wine at the store because of how pretty the bottle and label looked, especially if it’s going to be a gift.

What if I told you that you could create your own custom label and attach it to any wine bottle of your choosing?

Not only will the bottle look amazing but it can also display a personalized message.


I received the coolest wine bottle from my boss. She purchased a bottle of Riesling wine (my favorite!) and attached a custom label that read “THUNDER UP” and “Happy Birthday Diana.”

The label also featured a picture of me in a blue wig and wearing an Oklahoma City Thunder basketball team shirt and sunglasses. (She knows I’m a big OKC Thunder fan and that I wear that blue wig to every game I attend.)

I really loved my personalized wine bottle so much that I almost didn’t want to drink it. Almost. (Riesling doesn’t have a long shelf life in my house.)

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& Happily Ever After | Anniversary Gift

I wanted to do something in honor of my dear friends’ 45th  wedding anniversary but didn’t have a clue. A thoughtful gift for a couple who has been married a long time.

and-happily-ever-after-anniversary-thoughtful-gift-ideaWhile walking through the craft store, I noticed there were large alphabet letters in a variety of materials such as metal, ceramic, wood and some with lights. I also saw an ampersand sign – &.

How these ideas infiltrate my mind is a mystery but my first thought was And… to our next anniversary! Several more sayings popped in my head of what couples can look forward to doing next.


to our next anniversary
to our next dinner and drinks
to our next dance
to our next sunset
to our next adventure
to whatever we want it to be
Happily Ever After! Continue Reading

Custom Selfie Gift Wrap Paper

For when you want the recipient to love the packaging as much as the present…

custom-selfie-gift-wrap-paperYou’ll want to use Custom Selfie Gift Wrap Paper. Ever heard of it?

It’s custom designed wrapping paper that features photos of somebody’s cut-out head. It could be the gift recipient’s face, their pet’s face, or your face. Or the whole family’s faces!

Everyone who sees the Custom Selfie Gift Wrap Paper will get a good laugh! The designs are just so silly!

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