In Case You Get Crap for Christmas | Money Gift

- - Christmas, Money

‘Tis the season to be jolly… unless you get crap for Christmas.

crap-for-christmas-money-gift-hilariousI know of a thoughtful way to save someone from such a tragedy while turning their frown upside down.

It’s a creative and hilarious money gift called “In Case You Get Crap for Christmas.”

It makes people laugh, and it involves hiding cash inside a roll of toilet paper!


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50 Shades of Green Money Gift

A paint can is a great way to gift wrap because kids and adults can never ever guess what’s inside it.


They’ll never guess what’s inside the paint can!

The “50 Shades of Green” money gift idea is perfect for the person who is difficult to buy for. Perfect because the color green (money) goes with everything!

Fill the paint can with crumpled 50 one dollar bills or one fifty dollar bill or any combination adding up to 50 dollars.

Create a label for birthdays, graduations, Father’s Day or add holiday decorations for Christmas.

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Stocking Stuffer Money Gift


Grandma Cleaver used to stuff her money inside a sock and hide it. She lived during the Depression where banks failed and people lost their money. I was always fascinated with her stocking stuffer saving method.

Santa-socks-money-stocking-stuffer-thoughtful-gift-ideaGuess I’m being nostalgic about this Stocking Stuffer Money Gift.

Items you will need:

  • Socks
  • Cash
  • Ribbon
  • Scissors


First, turn one sock inside out. Lay the right side sock on top. Place the cash at the toe end of the sock. Start rolling the sock from the toe end with the inside out sock being on the outside.

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The Gift of Happy Feet

When I traveled for a work conference to Las Vegas, I knew I would do miles of walking, and I didn’t want my feet to blister and ache.

gift-happy-feet-comfort-shoesSince wearing tennis shoes wasn’t an option, I decided it was time to invest in some high quality shoes with built-in arch support.

Giving myself the gift of happy feet made the biggest difference in the world!

Not once did my feet hurt during my four-day trip even though I walked long distances each day traveling from my hotel to the convention center and back multiple times and walking to various hotels in the evenings to go to shows and restaurants.

I’ve been to Las Vegas several times before, but this is the first trip where I made the comfort of my feet a priority. At least I’m getting wiser as I get older! I still shudder at the memories of the excruciating pain I put my feet through during my 20s.

I’ve learned that when my feet are happy, I’m happy! And that it’s worth the extra money to pay for high quality shoes that provide remarkably better comfort, materials and design.

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Can You Hear Me Now? | Cash Gift

- - Birthday, Christmas, Money

I told my brother, Harvey, I started researching for a new cell phone.

I wanted a larger screen as I’m always looking for my reading glasses. It’s a pain when your body parts start to fail you!

I was in no hurry to spend money purchasing a new phone when my four-year old phone still worked, and my brother knew it.

Harvey is my biggest fan and never fails to read my Sunburst Gifts articles every week. He told me he had to come up with a creative gift for the gift giving Queen! Well… he did an amazing job! Continue Reading

Limousine Ride to Look at Christmas Lights

- - Christmas, Experiences, Kids

limousine-ride-look-christmas-lights-thoughtful-giftEvery year when I visit, my nieces look forward to my gift of an experience. They know not to expect wrapped presents from me.

One year, I took them to a Renaissance Fair complete with a live jousting match, and another year I took them to a child-friendly version of the play “A Christmas Carol.” Last year, I surprised them with a limousine ride to look at Christmas lights.

I rented the limousine for three hours. During that time, we rocked out to the radio on full volume, sipped on sparkling white grape juice, snacked on cheese and grapes, snapped group photos in front of pretty Christmas light displays, and ordered food at a Wendy’s drive-thru.

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Bubble Calendar Gift Idea

Do you know someone who loves to pop bubble wrap? I have a unique gift that the bubble pop lover will enjoy every day because it doubles as a calendar.

bubble-calendar-wrap-thoughtful-gift-ideaThe Bubble Calendar is a 365 day poster-sized wall calendar with a bubble to pop every day of the year! It includes colored dots to mark birthdays, holidays and special occasions.

When we received items in the mail wrapped in bubble wrap, my kids would immediately place it on the floor and start jumping on it to hear all of the popping noise. Sometimes they would just sit and race each other to see how many they could quickly pop!

bubble-wrap-pop-calendar-thoughtful-gift-ideaWell… I have grown up friends who do the exact same thing.

Young or as I like to say… “slightly seasoned folks”…will love the Bubble Calendar. As the year pops by, you can still feel like a kid every day!

The Bubble Calendar is a fun gift to start off the New Year. It can also be given as a countdown to a special event like graduation or retirement.

We’re all mature until somebody brings out the bubble wrap.  – Unknown


Bring a DHS Foster Child “Home for the Holidays”

- - Christmas

Imagine spending Christmas Day in an emergency shelter away from your home and family…

bring-foster-child-dhs-home-holidaysNow imagine yourself as a child spending Christmas Day in an emergency shelter away from your home and family…

You’re probably wondering why in the world would I have you imagine such horrible and depressing things. Why?

Because it’s not make believe.

Innocent children do spend Christmas Day in emergency shelters separated from their loved ones as they await foster homes. You can open your heart and your home to these children by hosting one of them for Christmas.

Through its “Home for the Holidays” initiative, the Oklahoma Department of Human Services seeks people interested in opening their homes to these children so they can spend the Christmas holiday with a family instead of in an emergency shelter.

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Handwritten WWII Letter Screen Transferred on T-Shirts

My husband found a handwritten letter from his dad dated May 5, 1943 from when he served in the Army during WWII . The letter was written to his parents and sister describing his day and how he missed his wife, Betty.


An old handwritten letter my husband’s father wrote by having parts of the letter screen printed on t-shirts.

Randy’s father had beautiful handwriting, and I thought the letter should be shared with his brother, Kyle, and sister, Lesa. But how? Copies seemed so blase’. Then the idea of having the handwritten WWII letter transferred onto t-shirts came to mind.

I found a local t-shirt screen printing business and selected different sections from the letter to create three different shirts. Each shirt also featured the postmark showing the date of the letter and their dad’s signature, Sgt. Eugene Drew. Continue Reading