Posts Tagged: "$10"

Complete Mystery Surprise Gift for $10

What if you have no idea what gift you sent someone? It’s a complete mystery surprise to you AND to them until it arrives in the mail.


Think of the feelings of excitement and anticipation as you wait a week for the mystery surprise gift to arrive… Yes, it really does take a week but that only makes the feelings of anticipation stronger with each passing day.

Mystery Surprise Gift

something-store-giftYou can totally make that happen at which provides people with “the joy of surprise.”

For $10, which includes free shipping in the USA, guess what you receive? Something!

It could literally be anything brand-new that is worth at least $10. Or it could be worth a whole lot more! They have been known to send out iPads. Wouldn’t that be an awesome surprise?!

Their website gives some possibilities of what the “something” could be:

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