Posts Tagged: "balloon"

Jumbo Airwalker Balloons

- - Birthday, Kids

If you’ve never seen Airwalker Balloons, they’re jumbo size balloons that stand on the floor instead of float in the air.

jumbo-airwalker-balloons-kids-giftThey’re bigger than most kids!

For my son’s 4th birthday party, I purchased the Chase PAW Patrol Airwalker Balloon. The puppy-shaped balloon stands 54″ tall!

Talk about an attention getter!

All of the kids and adults couldn’t believe how big Chase stood. Not only was it the best piece of decoration at the party, but it also entertained the children, AND created the perfect photo prop!

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Half-Dollar Coin | Year of Birth

All birthdays are special and when you turn 75 – WOW – the things that have been witnessed, experienced and changed through the years deserves celebration!


A half-dollar coin from the year of someone’s birth year or wedding year makes a unique and memorable gift.

Dick was born in 1939. That was the year of the largest world fair in New York. The theme was the “World of Tomorrow” where futuristic inventions were on displayed like robots and automatic dishwashers. President Roosevelt spoke on a television welcoming the attendees to the world’s fair.

WWII began in 1939, the average price of a car was $700, classic movies were The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind. A gallon of gas was 10 cents and the average yearly wage was $1,730.00

The 1940s, the Greatest Generation, created things like Duct tape, Jeep, color TV, Penicillin, Silly Putty, Atomic Bomb, Slinky, Tupperware, Microwave, Velcro and Lego. Continue Reading

POP the Question Wedding Proposal Idea

Survey says….six million people are planning or expecting a marriage proposal for Valentine’s Day. Ohhh…..the pressure of how to propose? Ask the love of your life to marry you in grandiose style? Or just pop the question?!

Pop-the-Question-Wedding-Proposal-Gift-Idea-Sunburst-GiftsEvery girl has the “dream” of how the proposal will happen and it is never what we expect when it does. My husband, Randy, and I had many talks about getting married one day. We even looked at rings at the mall jewelry stores where I showed him my favorite.

But we were broke! Randy had one more year of college. I was graduating high school and planning to attend the same college. So I was not expecting a ring any time soon.

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