
Posts Tagged: "book"

The ONE Thing | A Life-Changing Book

- - Birthday, Business, Graduation

I read a lot books, both fiction and non-fiction. This book in particular stands out as one of the most life-changing I’ve come across.

“The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan makes it crystal clear everything is NOT equal in life. We must spend our time focusing on the things that matter most if we want to achieve the things we want in our professional and personal lives.

This quote from the book says it so well… “Success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right.”

I’ve always been a big to-do list person, but this book made me realize the dark side of to-do lists. Since to-do lists aren’t prioritized by what’s important or what matters, we end up spending our precious time on trivial tasks that don’t get us any closer to achieving our goals.

Instead, the book talks about creating a success list–a list based on creating extraordinary results. To-do lists are long, but success lists are short. Then, it challenges you to pick the ONE thing that goes at the top of your success list.

So how does a person determine what the ONE thing is? By answering this very important question…

How to Determine “The ONE Thing”

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Potty Training Starter Kit

- - Kids

Toys are great, but sometimes a child doesn’t need another toy. Right, Mom and Dad?

potty-training-starter-kid-birthday-giftWhen my best friend’s daughter turned a year old, I came up with a gift EVERY one-year old and two-year old NEEDS.

I came up with this gift idea after I finished potty training my two-year old son only 3 months after his 2nd birthday.

Good-bye dirty, stinky diapers and annoying diaper bag I’ve been lugging around for two years.

I’d like to take this moment to do a *happy dance*. For a parent, the excitement of fully potty training your child is right up there with watching them take their first steps.

This was my best friend’s first child so she has never gone through the process of potty training before. I’m a big believer in starting the conversation early so I gave her daughter the birthday gift of a Potty Training Starter Kit. Continue Reading

Conversations With My Mother | Keepsake Journal

Conversations with My Mother is a keepsake journal for collecting a lifetime of your mother’s stories.

Conversations-with-My-Mother-thoughtful-gift-ideaInterview your mother with engaging questions that will encourage her to provide facts about specific aspects of her life and relate rich details about her experiences.

This beautiful journal has places to record dates, write about your mother’s unique life, and attach photos and keepsakes.

You’ll learn so many things you never even knew about your mother.

Not Your Average Journal

Conversations with My Mother prompts all kinds of questions, some I would never have thought to ask.

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“Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls” Book

- - Birthday, Christmas, Kids

We must remember the kick ass women who came before us who didn’t take no for an answer and who showed us the greatness that can be achieved when you believe in yourself.

We must tell their stories and inspire the next generation of women to achieve their own greatness.


The book Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls contains 100 true stories of 100 extraordinary women from both the past and present.

The stories are perfect for telling at bedtime because they’ve been creatively written in the fashion of fairy tales.

Bedtime Stories About Female Heroes

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The Power of Words | Book Inscription

The power of words give joy, move you to tears, show encouragement, inspire imagination, express love and admiration.

There are millions of books, letters, quotes and sayings in support of how powerful words can be.

power-of-words-book-inscription-thoughtful-gift-ideaWords of Appreciation

My boss of 20 years is retiring, and we had a retirement celebration of 100 current, retired and ex-employees in attendance.

Throughout the celebration, many employees were involved in giving gifts, performing funny skits, and sharing heartfelt words of his leadership and friendship.

After the accolades were bestowed upon him, Dennis expressed thankfulness and love for working with such an amazing dedicated staff.

Then he shared a story about a gift I had given him years ago…

The Power of Words

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Business Etiquette Book for Graduates

Helping someone to feel confident and knowledgeable so they can succeed. That is a priceless gift.

Many young adults graduate high school and college clueless about how to conduct themselves in the workplace or how to present themselves in business situations.


Not knowing business etiquette and the proper ways to behave can have real negative effects. It could result in offending someone or missing out on an internship or job opportunity.

Since knowledge is power, the right book can provide graduates with the information they need to succeed in the adult world and the professional world.

Setting a Graduate Up for Success

For these reasons, books on business etiquette or business manners make thoughtful graduation gifts.

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The 5 Love Languages for A Happy Marriage

Have you ever wondered what the secret is to a long, happy marriage? I am completely serious when I tell you I’ve found it.

I learned it in the book, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, the #1 New York Times bestselling book by Dr. Gary D. Chapman.

Communication doesn’t break down because men are from Mars and women are from Venus. It’s because we often speak different love languages than our spouse.


In the book, Dr. Chapman explains the 5 Love Languages using wonderful stories and examples from real couples he has helped through marriage counseling. He says it’s the secret to keeping love alive.

The 5 Love Languages

  1. Words of Affirmation
  2. Acts of Service
  3. Receiving Gifts
  4. Quality Time
  5. Physical Touch

Reading this book helped understand what makes me feel loved and what makes my husband feel loved.

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Big Brother & Big Sister Gifts

- - Baby Shower, Kids

Jealousy. Bribes. Love. Sounds like the stuff of a soap opera.

big-brother-older-sibling-gift-matchingAdding another child to your family can create a lot of jealousy and drama if you’re not careful.

No matter how young in age, children will notice when they aren’t the center of attention anymore because of the arrival of a new baby or adopted child.

A thoughtful gift for a big brother or big sister will go a long way towards warming up older siblings to the newest addition to their family.

A gift from the baby will help an older child feel loved and excited to welcome their new baby brother or baby sister with open arms.

It’s kind of like a bribe, but how can you not like someone who gives you gifts? It’s very hard and that’s why older sibling gifts are so important and effective.

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“Press Here” Book | New York Times Bestseller for Kids

Looking for a children’s book that is interactive as well as entertaining? We all know reading to kids is a good thing and will boost children’s learning potential, especially between the ages of two and five.

press-here-NYTimes-bestseller-thoughtful-gift-idea“Press Here” by Hervé Tullet is a picture book like no other. Talk about a fun experience!

With a touch of a finger, you press the yellow dot on the cover of the book and the make believe begins!

The reader follows the simple instructions to press various dots and perform varied tasks (blow on the dot, shake the pages, clap 1-2-3 times) on each shiny white page.

The tasks set in motion the “action” of the dot by changing colors, multiplying, scattering across a two-page spread and so much more!

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“A Soldier’s Silent Prayer” | A Book for Veterans Day

I read my friend and author Sherry Kast’s first biography “A Soldier’s Silent Prayer” about Muscogee (Creek) Nation national treasure and honored WWII veteran Phillip W. Coon.

Soldier's-Silent-Prayer- Veterans-thoughtful-gift-ideaI found it to be a quick read and fascinating book. It’s an amazing story of Mr. Coon’s incredible journey – one that took him from a small Indian community in Oklahoma in the 1920s to the world stage as the United States declared war against Germany and Japan in December 1941. Can you imagine?

This veteran’s survival story is a tale of tragedy and triumph as he overcame insurmountable odds to survive the Bataan Death March in the Philippines and 3.5 years as a prisoner of war of the Japanese during WWII. Continue Reading