
Posts Tagged: "cash"

Money Stash | Hollow Book Safe With Secret Compartment

It’s so much fun to give a gift inside a gift!

money-stash-hollow-book-safe-giftHollow Books Safes look like ordinary hard cover books until you open them. Surprise! The book contains a secret compartment where you can place a small-sized item, such as CASH!

I call this gift the Money Stash. They’ll enjoy the money and they can use the book to hide any valuables or secret possessions in plain sight!

(Ahem. It’s also great for hiding a stash of candy you don’t want anyone else to eat.)

You can create your own or puchase a Hollow Book Safe from Amazon.com or Etsy.com. Some of them even come with keys!

If you’re into DIY, I’ve created step-by-step instructions for making your own Hollow Book Safe.


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Treasure Chest Filled With Silver & Gold

- - Birthday, Christmas, Kids, Money

Ahoy, matey! Did you ever wish for your very own treasure chest?

treasure-chest-full-of-coins-thoughtful-gift-ideaAs a kid, I remember the classic Walt Disney’s Treasure Island movie about pirates searching for treasure chests filled with gold. I later took my kids to see Hook staring Robin Williams.

My all time favorite pirate though would be the Pirates of the Caribbean movies with Jack Sparrow played by Johnny Depp.

I never fell in love with a prince in a Disney movie but I would have become available for Jack Sparrow. Don’t tell my husband!

Kids love fantasizing about treasure chests filled with silver and gold. It’s a fantasy that you can easily make come true! Continue Reading

“Play Money” Creative Play-Doh Money Gift

Kids and adults of all ages will love being surprised with a Play-Doh Money Gift!

cash-money-creative-play-doh-money-giftIt’s one of the must fun and creative money gifts you can give but it’s also very simple to create.

I’ve saved you one step already by creating a free Play- Doh printable consisting of two-inch tags that say: “Everyone deserves some play money!” and  “Thought you could use some extra dough!”

Or feel free to come up with your own tags using play-on-words!

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Money Robe | A Silver Lining

In our family, we always give money of the age of the birthday gal or guy.


No one will ever guess that their new house robe comes lined with cash!

When my brother turned 59, I was stumped to come up with a creative way to surprise him with his birthday money of $59.

I recently visited him and noticed his house robe needed to be replaced. So I purchased a green (and blue) robe to go with the money theme.

At first, I thought I would place the money in a pocket. Boring! Then it came to me, why not line the inside of the robe with 59 one dollar bills? Now that’s fun!

I laid out the open robe, spread out the dollar bills in even rows, and taped them in place. (Even though the tape worked, I would suggest using safety pins to make sure the bills stay put.)

I folded up the robe and tied the belt. A money robe! You could not see any of the bills since I had placed them below the waistline. Continue Reading

Coin Purse Filled With Coins and Cash

A coin purse is the best thing ever! Not only does it hold your change for easy access but it keeps all of the coins from settling at the bottom of your purse.

coin-purse-girls-just-wanna-have-funds-thoughtful-gift-ideaSo why don’t people think of giving a coin purse for a gift? Maybe it seems too blah. But it’s not if the coin purse comes already filled with coins and cash!

Coin purses come in every shape, size and color. Some styles are classy while others inspire fun. The selections are endless as you can choose leather, cloth or silicone.

I try to find the perfect coin purse to match the personality of the gift recipient. Continue Reading

Rubber Band Ball Creative Money Gift

- - Kids, Money

Rubber band balls make a fun bouncy toy for kids and a great stress reliever toy for adults. But what if the best part is hidden inside?!

rubber-band-ball-creative-money-giftImagine the surprise on someone’s face when they’re told that the rubber band ball they received contains money!

Will they undo all off the rubber bands right away or wait until they’ve had a chance to play with it?

They only way to find out is to give the Rubber Ball Band Money Gift to someone you know!


Items you will need:

  • cash
  • colorful rubber bands
  • golf ball or aluminum foil

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Money Puzzles Make Opening Cash Gifts Fun

Give a gift they’ll have to play to win!

money-puzzle-creative-cash-gift-funMoney Puzzles are like a toy or game with a cash prize inside.

Kids and adults alike will love the novelty and challenge of receiving a money puzzle. Only by solving the puzzle or brain teaser can they access the cash. It’s fun to make them work at least a little bit for it!

Besides cash, money puzzles can be used to give checks and gift cards. They’re much more fun than opening an envelope or gift card holder.

Many money puzzles consist of a clear plastic container that allows gift recipients to see the money or gift card they’ve been given. It’s impossible to open the container until a small silver ball is successfully completed through a maze.

That’s what makes this gift idea so fun and different! The gift recipient must complete a challenge before earning their “prize.” Sometimes, the whole family gets involved and takes turns taking a crack at it.

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Money Chain | Same as Cash

Almost everyone likes to receive money as a gift. It comes in the right color and size every time. How to give money in a unique way is the challenge.

https://www.sunburstgifts.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/money-chain-thoughtful-gift-idea.jpgI’ve used the Money Chain idea several times and it never fails to be entertaining. One, the visual is cool – it’s a chain. Two, it’s fun to count each link. Three, it’s an interactive gift.

Everyone who receives it can’t wait to take the chain apart and stack all the money in one hand.

I like to use dollar bills to make a very long chain. Within the chain, you can insert $5, $10 or any denomination. The amount you give is up to you.

I’ve used 50 one dollar bills chained together for a 50th wedding anniversary gift and wrote in the card “still chained together!” Continue Reading

Money Tie – Creative Gift for Him

Normally, I would say to stay away from giving neck ties as gifts. Nine times out of 10, it shows lack of effort and creativity on your part. Unless… it’s a money tie!

creative-money-tie-cash-giftA money tie makes a memorable and creative gift for him on birthdays, graduation, Christmas and Father’s Day. You can give it by itself or pair it with a button down shirt.

Don’t worry. They’re easy peasy to make. If you can fold and tape, you can make a DIY money tie gift in just minutes!


Items you will need:

  • cash (new bills looks the best; iron older bills to make them crisp)
  • printed tie template (download letter size or download legal size; print on cardstock)
  • tape

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Money Tootsie Rolls Suprise!


Gifts containing a hidden surprise are some of my favorite gifts. If the person loves candy, Tootsie Rolls are a creative way to surprise someone with money.

money-tootsie-rolls-thoughtful-gift-ideaIt’s incredibly easy to roll up cash to look like Tootsie Rolls.

First, unwrap a Tootsie Roll and eat it. You won’t be needing it. Save the wrapper though!

Fold a dollar bill into thirds, then fold into half, in half again, in half again, and in half again for a total of five folds.

Wrap the folded bill with the Tootsie Roll wrapper you saved. Twist the ends to make it look like there is a real Tootsie Roll candy inside. No glue. No tape. It’s that easy peasy!

Repeat as many times as necessary to create more Money Tootsie Rolls.

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