Posts Tagged: "creative"

Easter Egg Money Surprise

- - Kids, Money

Kids love Easter eggs because each one contains a surprise. They can’t wait to see what’s inside!

easter-egg-money-surprise-cashDid they get chocolate, jelly beans, hard candy, gummy candy or bubble gum?

As children get older, Easter egg hunts may not excite them as much since it’s something they’ve done for years already.

That’s when it’s time to replace some of the candy with coins or cash to create an Easter Egg Money Surprise!

Small children will get excited over nickels, dimes and quarters. Teenagers will hunt for Easter eggs if they have the chance to find eggs containing $1, $5, $10, or $20 bills!

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50+ Creative Ways to Give Cash Money as Gifts

- - Money


No video like it existed so we decided to create one as a resource for thoughtful gift givers like you!

It’s a fast-paced compilation video containing 50+ creative ways to give cash money as a gift.

As many requests as we get for fun and unique ways to give cash for different occasions, we knew people would benefit from getting a ton of gift ideas in a few short minutes. You’ll never run out of gift ideas again!

Our money gift ideas can be used for kids, adults, boys, girls, and for all gift occasions from Valentine’s Day to Christmas. You’ll have to see it to believe it!

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A Check for One Million Kisses

When you’re young and don’t have much money, you come up with really creative ways to express your love. My-then-boyfriend-now-husband came up with this gift idea for my 23rd birthday.

When I opened my birthday card from him, I was surprised to find a check. That’s weird, I thought.

For a split second I was totally confused until I read the check. It was made out to me for the amount of One Million Kisses or $XOXO.

Now, that’s a surefire way to melt a girl’s heart! I loved him so much for telling me “I Love You” in such a romantic way.


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Christmas Cash Ornament

- - Christmas, Money

All I want for Christmas is some cold, hard cash. Some cold, hard cash. Some cold, hard cash… This is the Christmas tune going through many people’s minds during the holidays.

That’s because money gifts are hassle free. Cash always fits perfectly and never has to be returned. It never expires, and you can buy anything and everything with it!

The Christmas Cash Ornament gift can be wrapped or simply hung from the Christmas tree. Either way, it’s a creative way to give money during the holidays!



Items you will need:

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Stocking Stuffer Money Gift


Grandma Cleaver used to stuff her money inside a sock and hide it. She lived during the Depression where banks failed and people lost their money. I was always fascinated with her stocking stuffer saving method.

Santa-socks-money-stocking-stuffer-thoughtful-gift-ideaGuess I’m being nostalgic about this Stocking Stuffer Money Gift.

Items you will need:

  • Socks
  • Cash
  • Ribbon
  • Scissors


First, turn one sock inside out. Lay the right side sock on top. Place the cash at the toe end of the sock. Start rolling the sock from the toe end with the inside out sock being on the outside.

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Can You Hear Me Now? | Cash Gift

- - Birthday, Christmas, Money

I told my brother, Harvey, I started researching for a new cell phone.

I wanted a larger screen as I’m always looking for my reading glasses. It’s a pain when your body parts start to fail you!

I was in no hurry to spend money purchasing a new phone when my four-year old phone still worked, and my brother knew it.

Harvey is my biggest fan and never fails to read my Sunburst Gifts articles every week. He told me he had to come up with a creative gift for the gift giving Queen! Well… he did an amazing job! Continue Reading

Just What the Dr. Ordered – Money!

I love to give money in unexpected gift containers and a prescription bottle certainly makes for a surprise dose. This is one of the easiest gifts to make.


click to enlarge


  • Prescription bottle
  • Large mailing label or paper and clear packing tape
  • Cash – bills or quarters

Just for the asking, my pharmacy provided me with a new prescription bottle free of charge.

To give you a couple of ideas, I created two different labels. One on a sticky mailing label and one on plain typing paper.

I found a large mailing label fits nicely on the large prescription bottle. For the smaller prescription bottle, I cut plain paper to fit and used clear packing tape to adhere it to the bottle. Continue Reading

How to Make a Money Crown

- - Birthday, Graduation, Money

Wearable money gifts. It’s a thing!

money-crown-creative-cash-giftThere are Money Leis, Money Chains, and now Money Crowns for the prince, princess, king or queen in your life.

Folding cash into the shape of a crown makes it the coolest way to give money as a gift! Okay, I’m a Princess so maybe I’m biased…

Money Crowns look striking, and it’s something the birthday girl, birthday boy or graduate can wear on their head during their party!


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2 Liter Fortune Bottle

Here’s another clever gift idea to give money. It’s the 2 Liter Fortune Cookie Bottle.


Fortune Cookie saying inside bottle cap.

Place candy and money inside a 2 liter bottle. At first, the recipient may be puzzled as to how you placed the candy and money inside. Some may even twist off the cap.

That’s when you say, “Look inside the cap.” There they will find a message similar to a fortune cookie.

Fortune cookies are always fun to open and read. I created “Your fortune is in the bottle” inside the lid for a birthday gift. It’s a great saying for a graduation gift too!

Things you will need:

  • 2 liter bottle
  • Variety of candy. I like “100 Grand” and “Pay Day” candy bars. 
  • Money – bills and coins.
  • Create a large label and gift tag for the pop bottle appropriate for celebrating a birthday, graduation, Christmas or any other occasion. 
  • Create a saying for the inside of the lid by Googling “fortune cookie sayings” for ideas or make up your own
  • Ribbons
  • Scissors and tape
  • Exacto Knife

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Photo Album of Dead Presidents

The topic of dead presidents might be boring, unless you’re talking about cash money.

So not every man printed on U.S. paper currency is a dead president. Do you know which ones are and aren’t?

photo-album-dead-presidents-money-cash-giftDead Presidents
$1 – George Washington
$2 – Thomas Jefferson
$5 – Abraham Lincoln
$20 – Andrew Jackson
$50 – Ulysses S. Grant

Never President
$10 – Alexander Hamilton
$100 – Benjamin Franklin

If you’re looking to give a creative money gift, fill a photo album with dead presidents (but feel free to use $10 bills too like I did). No one receiving this gift will care about technicalities!

Photo albums that fit 4×6 pictures are just the right size for cash.

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