
Posts Tagged: "gift"

3-D Mirascope Hologram Maker

I’m always looking for a unique, fun gifts for kids and adults to enjoy. It’s like one-stop shopping and if it includes magic or illusion… BAM! I get excited!

The 3-D Mirascope Illusion Maker is a 2019 Toy of The Year Award Winner. It creates a holographic image from small objects placed inside, such as the plastic frog that is included.


How Does the 3-D Mirascope Hologram Work?

The 3-D illusion maker uses special parabola mirrors to capture the light of an object and then projects it as a three-dimensional image.

The frog seems to be sitting on the top of the dome and looks like you can touch it but you can’t. It’s an illusion!

Ever heard of parabola? Me neither! They are mirrors that have a special shape and reflect light in a very unique way.

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The ONE Thing | A Life-Changing Book

- - Birthday, Business, Graduation

I read a lot books, both fiction and non-fiction. This book in particular stands out as one of the most life-changing I’ve come across.

“The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan makes it crystal clear everything is NOT equal in life. We must spend our time focusing on the things that matter most if we want to achieve the things we want in our professional and personal lives.

This quote from the book says it so well… “Success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right.”

I’ve always been a big to-do list person, but this book made me realize the dark side of to-do lists. Since to-do lists aren’t prioritized by what’s important or what matters, we end up spending our precious time on trivial tasks that don’t get us any closer to achieving our goals.

Instead, the book talks about creating a success list–a list based on creating extraordinary results. To-do lists are long, but success lists are short. Then, it challenges you to pick the ONE thing that goes at the top of your success list.

So how does a person determine what the ONE thing is? By answering this very important question…

How to Determine “The ONE Thing”

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Clever & Comfy Men’s Underwear for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is mostly about girlfriends, wives, jewelry, flowers and chocolates. That means the guys are usually left out.

How about a package for their package?!

Yep! I can’t believe I just said that! I’m talking about men’s underwear, people! And not the boring white cotton briefs either.

My husband, Randy, and I were looking for men’s workwear clothing in Duluth’s Trading Co. when we came across some men’s underwear.

I started reading the names and descriptions of the underwear and started to giggle. The giggle became a laugh and eventually turned into an all-out snort-filled, eyes crying, bent over laughter extravaganza!

My husband just stood there acting like he didn’t know me.

Judge for yourself whether these are as funny as I thought they were.

Underwear For Him That’s Too Funny

Buck Naked Underwear – Like wearing Nothing at All.
No Pinch
No Stink
No Sweat
The next best thing to working in your birthday suit! Drop your drawers and go Buck Naked!

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“You Are a Gem” Air Plant Gift

We all know people who are gems because they brighten our lives like a sparkling diamond.


Have you let them know lately how much they mean to you?

This Air Plant Gift tells them “You Are a Gem” with words and a gift.

Air plants get the majority of their nutrients from the air. That means they are extremely low-maintenance and easy to keep alive! They will last for years.

Air plants are also attractive and come in interesting shapes and textures.

A Gift That Makes a Statement

For my mother’s birthday, I gave her a beautiful Amethyst Crystal Air Plant Gift. It came with a gift box and a card that reads “You Are a Gem.”

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Edge Brownie Pan

For as long as I have known my husband, he loves eating the chewy edges of a brownie. One problem, there are only four edges to a regular pan.


Guess what? Problem solved! I found a unique pan called the Edge Brownie Pan.

Made in the USA, this patented pan adds more chewy edges to every brownie it bakes. Now my husband is in brownie heaven!

The Brownie Pan for Edge Lovers

The Edge Brownie Pan is super heavy-duty and non-stick so it will never warp (like my other brownie pan). It’s also a lot easier to clean (a must for me).

I was not expecting a surprise bonus inside the box. A spatula and recipes–a thoughtful twist for their customers!

The recipes looked delicious for Marbled Cheesecake Brownies, Raspberry Pecan Blondies, Signature Cookie Bars (chocolate chips) and… the Ultimate Brownies.

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Fill in the Blank Thank You Notes

- - Thank You

If children can write, they should write handwritten thank you notes.


Gift givers like to know their gift was received and appreciated. By receiving a handwritten thank you card, they can be happy knowing it was!

A parent could write a thank you note on a child’s behalf, but it doesn’t have the same impact. Plus, parents miss out on teaching their child important life lessons in proper etiquette and in expressing gratitude and thankfulness.

My son, Aiden, recently celebrated his 6th birthday–Power Rangers style! He received all kinds of wonderful presents from family and friends.

Thank You Notes for Kids

I’ve had my son help with his thank you cards since the age of 3. Now that he is in kindergarten and can write words pretty well, I had him use Fill in the Blank Thank You Notes.

He isn’t use to writing entire sentences yet, so fill in the blanks thank you cards are perfect for his grade level and ability.

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Butterfly Fairy Hair Clips

I love handmade gifts. I remember watching my mother create beautiful gifts from vintage jewelry.

monarch-butterfly-fairy-hair-clips-thoughtful-gift-ideaMy mother and I would also help each other handcraft unique gift ideas waaay before Etsy ever came along. Mom would have loved Etsy.com where you can shop for anything made by creative people everywhere and where she could have shared her gifts too!

When an Etsy email pops up, I’m always curious to see who created what. Oh my… what a find this time. Butterflies! They are exquisite!

Wild and Free Jewelry created by Corina Alulquoy Brown are inspired by the ocean, wildlife, and Native American culture. You have to look at her website!

Handmade Butterfly Hair Clips

My favorites are the beautifully handcrafted butterfly hair clips by Corina.

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Baby & Child 6-Piece Flatware Progress Set

- - Baby Shower, Kids

baby-child-flatware-progress-set-giftBabies outgrow baby items so quickly. But this baby shower gift grows with a child, getting years of use!

A silver baby spoon? Nah. No one has time to polish silver.

Kids Size Flatware

Go with a Baby & Child 6-Piece Flatware Progress Set instead! Progress sets come with a baby set of fork and two spoons of different shapes, and a child set of spoon, fork and knife.

The baby set is perfect for feeding baby food and the child set is perfect when children learn to feed themselves.

Oneida makes Baby & Child 6-Piece Flatware Progress Sets in adorable styles, including ones with hearts, teddy bears or ducks, that are stainless steel and dishwasher safe. They’re even packaged in a beautiful presentation box.

They’re so durable they can be passed down from generation to generation!

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Alternative to Fresh Cut Flowers | Flowering Plant Basket

I have a confession. I tell my husband NOT to buy me flowers.

flowering plant basket

Flowering plants are arranged beautifully in this moss covered basket.

You’re probably thinking, “What’s wrong with her? Does she hate chocolate and unicorns too?”

There’s nothing wrong with me. I love flowers – just not the expensive type that comes in a vase and dies a few days later.

I’ve experienced the thrill of receiving a dozen roses or a spectacular flower arrangement, and I’m good. I treasure those memories, but I don’t need to experience them again.

I tell my husband I’d rather take the money he would have spent on flowers and go shopping with it. Yes, I’ve become practical like that.

In other words, flowers? No thank you. Instead, show me the money, honey!

Let me add, I’m not alone in this. Several of the ladies in my office agree with me and have told their husband the same thing.

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Changeable Felt Letter Board

Everyone has favorite quotes or sayings they absolutely love.

changeable-felt-letter-board-quoteThey could be inspiring, funny or motivational, and almost always elicit positive and powerful emotions from within us.

This one I probably say the most…


It reminds me to see the positive side to something I’ve experienced that was hard, negative, or hurtful.

This one has changed my behavior…


Want to know my new favorite?

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