Posts Tagged: "grateful"

Thanks A Million

- - Thank You

What can you give someone who goes above and beyond to show your deep appreciation?

thanks-a-million-thoughtful-giftMy oldest son started Pre-K this year, so I’ve started paying a lot more attention to what is going on in our educational system.

I recently watched a video of the Oklahoma City Public Schools superintendent, Aurora Lora, giving her State of the Schools speech to the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce.

I was amazed. Despite a bare bones budget, a teacher shortage, and numerous other barriers she faces on a day to day basis, she discussed the many improvements she and her staff have made to provide a better educational experience to students.

She faces an uphill battle, yet she gives it her all because she knows our children deserve better. And I’m so grateful to her.

Novelty Million Dollar Bill

I wrote Aurora a thank you card expressing my gratitude for her leadership and telling her how lucky we are to have her. I ended with “Thanks a million!”

Inside the thank you card, I inserted a million dollar bill. Of course it’s fake, but it looks very real!

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Because I’m Happy | Happiness Jar Project

- - $20 or Less, Gifts for Me

I’m a true believer that happiness is finding joy in the little things in life.

That’s because you’ll have hundreds of small happy moments in one year, but only a handful of large happy moments.


Capture and collect your happy moments by writing them down and dropping them in your Happiness Jar.

When my husband cuddles with me before we go to bed, I’m happy. When I read to my son, I’m happy. When my co-workers make me laugh, I’m happy. When I eat a delicious meal, I’m happy. When I spend time outdoors in warm weather, I’m happy.

Sometimes we miss these happy moments because we’re focused on the negative things. The stress of work or family drama can overshadow the blessings in our lives.

A great way to start recognizing all of the happy moments in your life is to start a Happiness Jar. All you need is a jar or container, some scraps of paper, and a pen. Set the jar in a place that you will see it everyday.

Any time something makes you happy, write it down on a piece of paper with the date and drop it into the jar.

Each time you do it, good feelings will emerge. Be present in that moment and take time to savor those feelings. As you continue filling your Happiness Jar, you’ll find you become better at recognizing the happiness that sprinkles itself in the different areas of your life.

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