Posts Tagged: "happy"

The Gift of Time Away

We have so many responsibilities in our lives – working to pay the bills, raising kids, running a household, giving back to our community… The list goes on and on. And on.

When was the last time YOU had 24 hours or an entire weekend just to yourself?

When was the last time YOUR SPOUSE had 24 hours or an entire weekend to himself or herself?


With all of the pressures and stress we face, we all need some “me time” or if you’re a parent you might call it “adult time.” What you or your partner may need is the Gift of Time Away.

The Gift of Time Away

For a thoughtful gift, give your partner one or more days for himself/herself with zero responsibilities. He/she won’t have to do any chores, run any errands, or watch any kids.

You’re essentially giving them the free time and freedom to do what makes them happy!

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The Gift of Happy Feet

When I traveled for a work conference to Las Vegas, I knew I would do miles of walking, and I didn’t want my feet to blister and ache.

gift-happy-feet-comfort-shoesSince wearing tennis shoes wasn’t an option, I decided it was time to invest in some high quality shoes with built-in arch support.

Giving myself the gift of happy feet made the biggest difference in the world!

Not once did my feet hurt during my four-day trip even though I walked long distances each day traveling from my hotel to the convention center and back multiple times and walking to various hotels in the evenings to go to shows and restaurants.

I’ve been to Las Vegas several times before, but this is the first trip where I made the comfort of my feet a priority. At least I’m getting wiser as I get older! I still shudder at the memories of the excruciating pain I put my feet through during my 20s.

I’ve learned that when my feet are happy, I’m happy! And that it’s worth the extra money to pay for high quality shoes that provide remarkably better comfort, materials and design.

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Because I’m Happy | Happiness Jar Project

- - $20 or Less, Gifts for Me

I’m a true believer that happiness is finding joy in the little things in life.

That’s because you’ll have hundreds of small happy moments in one year, but only a handful of large happy moments.


Capture and collect your happy moments by writing them down and dropping them in your Happiness Jar.

When my husband cuddles with me before we go to bed, I’m happy. When I read to my son, I’m happy. When my co-workers make me laugh, I’m happy. When I eat a delicious meal, I’m happy. When I spend time outdoors in warm weather, I’m happy.

Sometimes we miss these happy moments because we’re focused on the negative things. The stress of work or family drama can overshadow the blessings in our lives.

A great way to start recognizing all of the happy moments in your life is to start a Happiness Jar. All you need is a jar or container, some scraps of paper, and a pen. Set the jar in a place that you will see it everyday.

Any time something makes you happy, write it down on a piece of paper with the date and drop it into the jar.

Each time you do it, good feelings will emerge. Be present in that moment and take time to savor those feelings. As you continue filling your Happiness Jar, you’ll find you become better at recognizing the happiness that sprinkles itself in the different areas of your life.

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