No one likes to show up to a social gathering empty handed. After all, the more food the merrier!
Make a lasting impression by giving the host or hostess a gift called “The Giving Plate.”
The heartwarming tradition of The Giving Plate
is that you bake a treat and present it to someone on the plate. The recipient could be a friend, family member, church member, neighbor, teacher or co-worker. Once the treat is gone, it’s time for the gift recipient to pay it forward by passing The Giving Plate to someone new.

The Giving Plate makes for an especially touching gift during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
You can find a variety of styles of The Giving Plate on or you can find other designs on If you’re artsy, you can make your own using food-safe porcelain markers or paint pens on a blank plate or platter.
The Giving Plate I like
contains this special message that explains the tradition in a beautiful poem.
The Giving Plate
This plate belongs to everyone
wherever it may go… with each new sharing
of its gift, the love and blessings grow,
So fill it up and pass it on to
family and to friends… to start
the circle one more time,
love’s journey never ends.
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