
Posts Tagged: "markers"

Kids Color-In Thank You Cards

- - Thank You

Even though toddlers can’t write thank you cards for their gifts, they do have the ability to color.

kids-color-in-thank-you-cards-toddlersColor-in thank you cards allow young children to use their artistic abilities to show their appreciation using markers, crayons, colored pencils or paint.

Gift givers will enjoy opening their thank you card and seeing your child’s artwork on the cover. If it’s pretty, it will bring a smile to their face. It if it’s messy, well they’ll get a good chuckle from it!

My three-year old son used markers to color his thank you cards. Although he won’t be earning any awards for coloring in between the lines any time soon, each card is his own original work of art which made them special. And I think much better than store-bought cards!

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