
Posts Tagged: "Monarch butterfly"

Butterfly Fairy Hair Clips

I love handmade gifts. I remember watching my mother create beautiful gifts from vintage jewelry.

monarch-butterfly-fairy-hair-clips-thoughtful-gift-ideaMy mother and I would also help each other handcraft unique gift ideas waaay before Etsy ever came along. Mom would have loved Etsy.com where you can shop for anything made by creative people everywhere and where she could have shared her gifts too!

When an Etsy email pops up, I’m always curious to see who created what. Oh my… what a find this time. Butterflies! They are exquisite!

Wild and Free Jewelry created by Corina Alulquoy Brown are inspired by the ocean, wildlife, and Native American culture. You have to look at her website!

Handmade Butterfly Hair Clips

My favorites are the beautifully handcrafted butterfly hair clips by Corina.

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