Posts Tagged: "money"

Give A Book That Has Changed Your Life

As an adult, one my biggest accomplishments is changing how I view money (realizing that acquiring more money just to buy more things does not lead to happiness) and how I manage my money (actively saving for retirement and future goals while remaining debt free).

"Your Money or Your Life" bookNow I feel in control of my finances instead of ignoring my finances or feeling my finances are controlling me.

Two people have helped me get to this point in my life. My husband, Kevin Jaeger, and Trent Hamm, the brains behind the blog

If I’m ever in a conversation related to money or finances, I always bring up so more people can benefit from the website’s advice. A lot of his stuff is not just great financial advice, it’s great advice for living life in general.

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“Here’s Some Dough!” Pizza Box Money Gift

College students and pizza go together like movies and popcorn. Sing with me now. “This I tell you brother. You can’t have one without the other.”


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What factors have caused this magnetic match?

#1 – It tastes amazing. Even plain cheese pizza is heavenly, and it just gets better from there. Pepperoni. Supreme. Meat Lovers.  Oh, sweet Jesus!

#2 – It’s dirt cheap and sometimes free. I remember getting so much free pizza in college because most student organizations used it to lure people to their meetings.

#3 – It’s the ultimate convenience food. No plates or utensils necessary. Napkins optional.

#4 – It can be delivered. Just think of all the times pizza deliveries have saved college students from starvation when they’re either too drunk, too lazy, or don’t have a car to get food.

#5 – It even tastes good cold. Pizza for breakfast, anyone?

But no matter how much college students love their warm, gooey pizza, they can’t survive without cold, hard cash.

Money is by far the #1 request for gifts by graduates so give it to them. College is expensive! Ditch the envelope though, and get creative.

Give them a “Here’s some dough!” Pizza Box Money Gift for a present they’ll never forget! It’s easy peasy to put together with a few simple items, and it creates that “WOW!” factor!


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Unique Checkbook Money Gift | Graduation

I’ve mentioned before that the number one gift request for graduation is money. I’ve also talked about how impersonal it feels to write a check or place money in a greeting card.

graduation-check-book-money-thoughtful-gift-ideaThe Checkbook Money Gift is so easy peasy you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of it!

You’ll need new one dollar bills from your bank. The amount is up to you.

You’ll also need a checkbook cover. You can use the free checkbook covers from your bank, or purchase one with a style, color or design that fits the graduate’s interest or personality. Instead of a checkbook cover, you can use a wallet with an insert for a checkbook. Continue Reading

Rare $2 Dollar Bills | Birthday Gift

Want to give an affordable and rare gift at the same time? A $2 Dollar Bill will certainly fit the bill!


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My friend, Karen, was turning 60 on her birthday and really not looking forward to it. I wanted to give her something totally unique and definitely something fun. I decided to give her 30 two-dollar bills to equal her age.

When I gave the gift, I explained the rarity of the $2 dollar bill equals the rarity of her beauty inside and out and her qualities to overcome insurmountable odds, to always be the rock for family and friends, to express incredible kindness and a giving spirit, and to find the good in everything. Continue Reading

Easy Peasy Money Umbrella Surprise

At Sunburst Gifts, we love coming up with creative ways to give money. This time, shower someone with cash with a Money Umbrella!


Money umbrellas are a fun and creative way to give cash gifts.

When they open the umbrella, they’ll be completely surprised by all of the cash that falls out from the inside!

If you give the Money Umbrella gift in person, watching them open the gift and seeing their reaction is half the fun so make sure they open it in front of you. And get your camera or video camera ready!

You can attach a note to the umbrella that says “Open Me” but I prefer say something like,”Open it up so you can see that it’s a lot bigger than it looks. It will really protect you from the rain!”

Yes, little white lies are completely appropriate in these situations.

If you’re mailing the gift or you won’t be there when it’s opened, definitely include a note that says “Open Me.” You don’t want the gift recipient to miss out on their big surprise and, even worse, lose the umbrella and the cash because they had no idea what was inside!

Th Money Umbrella gift idea is so much fun to give and receive, and it’s easy peasy to create!


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Easy Peasy Birthday Money Box


I once found out about a family member’s birthday party the day before. I freaked out at first! What should I get a teenage boy on such short notice??

birthday money box

The birthday money box contains a really long strand of cash.

That’s when I thought of the perfect thoughtful gift idea that anyone can create at the last-minute – a birthday money box.

Money is something every teenager wants, and the birthday money box I could easily create with items I already had at home.

The birthday money box is fun to give and receive because when the gift recipient pulls on the card that says “PULL UP,” they will be surprised with a really long strand of cash that continues to come out as they keep pulling and pulling and pulling!


Here are the items you will need:

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How to Stuff Gift Objects Inside Balloons | Video Tutorial

- - Catch All

In our post called “Surprise Someone By Hiding Gifts Inside a Balloon,” we shared how balloons can be a very fun way to present someone with a gift.

Enough of our readers wanted to know exactly how we were able to stuff different objects inside balloons that we thought a how-to video would explain it best.

In this video, we show how to stuff cash, a gift card, an iPhone (electronics), a sleeve of golf balls, a stuffed animal, and a frying pan inside regular sized balloons.

If we’re able to stuff these gift items inside regular sized balloons, imagine what gifts would fit inside big balloons! Oh, the possibilities!


The Big 1-0 | Happy 10th Birthday Gift


Growing up, I could not wait to turn 10 years old and thought it would never get here soon enough. I was so excited to have a two digit number, the big 1-0 for my Happy 10th Birthday! It was a big deal to turn 10. Even the word “ten” sounded so much older!


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My nephew, Carson, was also excited about turning the big 1-0 this year so my sister-in-law, Lesa, and I brainstormed about giving him 10 different experiences for his Happy 10th Birthday gift.

We purchased gift cards or certificates to local arcades for mini-golf, laser tag, bowling, kayaking, zip line, and a gift card to McDonald’s. We placed all of the gift cards and gift certificates in a new wallet and placed a $10 bill inside.

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Surprise Someone By Hiding Gifts Inside a Balloon


Presentation! Presentation! Presentation! We are always trying to find new ways to be creative in gift giving, right? Here is one that is easy, inexpensive, colorful and makes a noise that goes POP! Gifts inside a balloon!

Pop-the-Question-Wedding-Proposal-Gift- Idea-Sunburst- Gifts

Hiding an engagement ring inside a balloon is a creative way to “pop the question!”

In a previous post, I talked about a unique wedding proposal idea. Get a decorative box that has an attached lid that will perfectly fit a blown up balloon. Write or type a note that says “POP ME” and attach it by using a stick pin to the inside of the lid.

She can use the pin to pop the balloon. Place the engagement ring inside a blown up balloon, put it inside the box and close the lid. When she opens the box, pops the balloon and sees her beautiful engagement ring, that’s when you get on bended knee to “pop the question.”

Gift cards have become a common way to give a gift. Usually it is placed in a card, an envelope or a gift bag. BOOOORING!

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Worth Every Penny | Pennies From Birth Year


On my 50th birthday, my dear friend, Susan, gave me 50 pennies all made in 1952 – my birth year!

Heart-box-with-pennies-gift-idea-sunburst-giftsThe pennies came in a small heart box. I cherish that gift because it was so unique and thoughtful.

I have used the penny idea many times for birthdays and anniversaries. I use the pennies on significant birthday years such as 30 – 40 – 50 – 60 year old and up.

By the time a couple has been married for 50 years or more, what can you give that they do not already have or that is unique? Fifty pennies from the year of their wedding placed in a heart box is a for-sure-keepsake gift! Especially seeing and remembering those wheat pennies! They bring back the memories of simpler times. Continue Reading