
Posts Tagged: "outside"

State Parks Gift Certificates for Outdoor Enthusiasts

I named this website Sunburst Gifts because I believe the perfect gift makes someone light up like the sun and burst with happiness.

Last month, I resigned from my job to pursue several entrepreneurship opportunities. When I opened my farewell gift from my work family of 12 years, I had the exact reaction I described above. They gave me the perfect gift!

They gave me gift certificates I could use at Oklahoma State Parks along with a copy of this year’s Oklahoma State Parks & Outdoor Recreation Guide.


My co-workers know my love of the outdoors, and they listened when I talked about my family’s camping trips. (My one-year old son has already been on two camping trips!)

Good for Camping, Lodging, Food & More

The gift certificates can be used for camping, lodging, food, golf and other recreational activities at any facility operated by the Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department.

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Sun Protection UPF Clothing

To celebrate my husband’s 67th birthday (oh my, I can remember when he turned 17), we took a vacation to Big Cedar Lodge and Table Rock Lake in Missouri for a fishing trip.

sun-protection-clothing-thoughtful-gift-ideaOn our trip, we visited the granddaddy of all outdoor stores – Bass Pro Shop in Springfield, Missouri. Did you know it’s Missouri’s number one tourist destination?

We were in the store for hours looking at boats, motors, fishing gear, seven aquariums, alligators, and finally clothes.

(Now I know how he felt after all these years shopping with me. Bless his heart!) Continue Reading