Posts Tagged: "surprise"

Crepe Paper Money Ball Surprise


Who doesn’t like to unwrap gifts? How about finding a gift with each unwrapping – say 12 times within one gift? What?! The Crepe Paper Money Ball Surprise will do just that!

crepe-paper-money-ball-thoughtful-gift-ideaThe balls of crepe paper strips are wrapped around individual bills and when the recipient unwinds the ball, the cash is revealed one by one.

They will be totally surprised by the loot inside!

  • Crepe Paper – several colors to make it festive or choose their favorite colors
  • Scissors – cut 12 crepe paper strips in various sizes – 3 ft. to 6 ft.
  • Tape or glue dots to attach the last crepe paper strip
  • Ribbon
  • Cash in bills – the amount is up to you

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Money & Gloves Go Hand in Hand


money-and-gloves-go-hand-and-hand-thoughtful-gift-ideaLooking for a clever way to surprise the gift recipient with money and a pair of gloves?

This idea is so easy peasy. I call it my “Money and Gloves Go Hand in Hand” gift idea.

I like to find a pair of gloves that are out-of-the-ordinary. They could be colorful, unusual, maybe with feathers on the cuff instead of fake fur, or with rhinestones.

You don’t have to limit the gift to just gloves or mittens designed to keep hands warm. Purchase gloves to match their hobbies or profession.

Think garden gloves, bike gloves, baseball gloves, golf gloves, weight lifting gloves, and work gloves.

All you need to create this money gift are:

  • A pair of gloves
  • Bills of money

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In Case You Get Crap for Christmas | Money Gift

- - Christmas, Money

‘Tis the season to be jolly… unless you get crap for Christmas.

crap-for-christmas-money-gift-hilariousI know of a thoughtful way to save someone from such a tragedy while turning their frown upside down.

It’s a creative and hilarious money gift called “In Case You Get Crap for Christmas.”

It makes people laugh, and it involves hiding cash inside a roll of toilet paper!


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Can You Hear Me Now? | Cash Gift

- - Birthday, Christmas, Money

I told my brother, Harvey, I started researching for a new cell phone.

I wanted a larger screen as I’m always looking for my reading glasses. It’s a pain when your body parts start to fail you!

I was in no hurry to spend money purchasing a new phone when my four-year old phone still worked, and my brother knew it.

Harvey is my biggest fan and never fails to read my Sunburst Gifts articles every week. He told me he had to come up with a creative gift for the gift giving Queen! Well… he did an amazing job! Continue Reading

Limousine Ride to Look at Christmas Lights

- - Christmas, Experiences, Kids

limousine-ride-look-christmas-lights-thoughtful-giftEvery year when I visit, my nieces look forward to my gift of an experience. They know not to expect wrapped presents from me.

One year, I took them to a Renaissance Fair complete with a live jousting match, and another year I took them to a child-friendly version of the play “A Christmas Carol.” Last year, I surprised them with a limousine ride to look at Christmas lights.

I rented the limousine for three hours. During that time, we rocked out to the radio on full volume, sipped on sparkling white grape juice, snacked on cheese and grapes, snapped group photos in front of pretty Christmas light displays, and ordered food at a Wendy’s drive-thru.

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No Bake Cookie Dough Inside Cookie Jar

Both of my grandmothers used their cookie jars regularly to store homemade cookies. Here’s an idea! Use a cookie jar not only for cookies but to surprise someone with some “dough!”

The “No Bake Cookie Dough” Cookie Jar is a yummy gift!

no-bake-cookie-dough-money-giftJust Google “cookie jars” and oh my… the selection is endless that you may have difficulty in choosing which one to give.

There are cookies jars that look like cupcakes, flowers, animals, houses, cartoon characters, superheroes, TV and even movie characters.

Also available are decorative, colorful and abstract design cookie jars. It’s amazing!  My favorite are collectible or vintage cookie jars. I still have my grandmother’s jars on display in my kitchen.
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Billfold With a Little Extra $$$

My husband likes to receive a new billfold every couple of years either for his birthday or Christmas. It’s always on his list because he doesn’t like his billfold to look tattered and worn.

billfold-with-a-little-extra-$$$-thoughtful-gift-ideaRandy specifically prefers trifold wallets.

Over the years, my mother took over the billfold gift giving. She liked giving him what he wanted, but she didn’t like him knowing what the gift was going to be.

She was all about the surprise. So she would place different amounts of cash in the billfold. Her favorite type of billfold contained hidden compartments or zippers where she could hide the money.  

Sometimes she would find a billfold with an insignia related to his favorite hobby or his profession. Continue Reading

Play it Safe Money & Candy Gift

Princess Diana has written a post about the importance of a fire and waterproof safe. My gift idea includes giving a fire and waterproof safe with money and candy inside! Surprise!

play-it-safe-money-fire-waterproof-safe-thoughtful-gift-ideaMany people usually stash a little cash somewhere in their homes for emergencies. And no…under the mattress isn’t a good idea.

So why not play it safe and give someone a fire and waterproof safe as a gift? For a thoughtful twist include money and candy to give it that WOW factor!

I’ve used this gift idea many times for my sons and nephews. I even gave one to my father-in-law so he could keep his candy under lock and key. (Seriously! In his house, he needed it.) Continue Reading

Pop-Up Cash | Gas Money Surprise

- - Birthday, Christmas, Money

Getting to drive is what makes turning 16 so sweet! A driver’s license equals freedom and independence… if you happen to have both a car and gas money.

pop-up-cash-gas-money-surpriseThanks to my parents, I had a car to drive. But until I found a part-time job, I was strapped for gas money and could only fill my gas tank $5 at a time.

Many teenage drivers feel the same pinch when it comes to gas money and probably even more so with today’s higher fuel prices. That’s why gas money and gas cards will always be a thoughtful gift for high school and college students.

But let’s not be boring by giving cash in an envelope. Presentation and the element of surprise go a long way when giving cash.

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“SlipHer” Some Cash Slippers

Women love to have comfortable shoes, especially slippers to wear around the house after a long day.

slipher-some-cash-slippers-thoughtful-gift-ideaHere’s a cute gift idea with a play on words for giving slippers. I call it “SlipHer Some Cash.” 

Give the gift of comfort while hiding some money in the toes of the shoes.

Don’t give the surprise away! Let her discover the cash on her own when she tries on her new slippers. Instant cash will give way to an instant smile!

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