Posts Tagged: "vegetables"

Pick-Your-Own Farm Experience

What’s even better than a farmer’s market for fresh produce and a fresh experience?


Pick-your-own farms! You’ll get the freshest, most flavorful fruits and vegetables for less money.

Even better, it’s a memorable and delicious way to spend time with friends and loved ones.

My husband and I took our toddler son to pick blackberries for the first time this summer. (It was my first time too!)

We enjoyed hunting for juicy, ripe blackberries among the blackberry bushes and filling up our pint-sized berry baskets.

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Bluapple Keeps Produce Fresher 3X Longer

Wish I could have saved all the money wasted on throwing out my fruits and vegetables that went bad before I could eat them. I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about.

bluapple-keeps-fruits-and-vegetables-fresh-thoughtful-gift-ideaBluapple is here to “save the day” or should I say “weeks” of extending the life of your produce.

This amazing product absorbs ethylene gas that causes produce to over ripen.

I remember hearing something about ethylene gas in my high school science class. I probably thought it was something I would never need to know. Was I wrong!

The Bluapple is easy peasy to use. Just place the golf ball size Blueapple in your Crisper to keep your fruits and vegetables fresher three times longer!

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Establishing Healthy Eating Habits – Kids Cooking Gift Set

- - Birthday, Christmas, Kids

When it comes to being healthy, it really boils down to your habits. What are your habits when it comes to what you eat, your portion sizes, and your amount of physical activity?

Habits can be formed at a very early age. Kids are like sponges and putty like that.

Establishing Healthy Eating Habits - Kids Cooking Gift Set

Make cooking and healthy eating fun by getting a child his or her own chef’s hat and jacket. Include with it toy fruits and vegetables he or she can practice slicing with a wooden knife.

As parents and caregivers, we have an opportunity to help shape children’s habits when it comes to healthy eating. It begins with getting them in the kitchen to help with the cooking and introducing them to the wide variety of delicious fruits and veggies that exist.

Nothing gets children more interested in joining their parents in the kitchen than having their own chef’s hat and apron or jacket. When you’re dressed the part, you feel like the real deal!

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