
Posts Tagged: "veteran"

“A Soldier’s Silent Prayer” | A Book for Veterans Day

I read my friend and author Sherry Kast’s first biography “A Soldier’s Silent Prayer” about Muscogee (Creek) Nation national treasure and honored WWII veteran Phillip W. Coon.

Soldier's-Silent-Prayer- Veterans-thoughtful-gift-ideaI found it to be a quick read and fascinating book. It’s an amazing story of Mr. Coon’s incredible journey – one that took him from a small Indian community in Oklahoma in the 1920s to the world stage as the United States declared war against Germany and Japan in December 1941. Can you imagine?

This veteran’s survival story is a tale of tragedy and triumph as he overcame insurmountable odds to survive the Bataan Death March in the Philippines and 3.5 years as a prisoner of war of the Japanese during WWII. Continue Reading

American Flag Flown Over the Nation’s Capitol


As my husband cleaned the garage, he came across a box of items that belonged to his parents. He found the American flag that had been flown over the nation’s capitol in Washington, D.C. in honor of his father who enlisted in the Army and fought in WWII.


A thoughtful gift for Veterans Day

My husband’s father was a proud red-blooded American through and through. He loved his country! I never heard him complain about paying taxes and he made sure to vote in elections. He felt it was extremely important because so many died for us to have that privilege.

For a thoughtful gift one year, we requested to have a flag flown on his birthday, December 2. The flag was mailed to us in time for Christmas. The flag came with a personalized certificate of recognition and authenticity to reflect the occasion. Continue Reading