Thank You Card Using Photo of Your Child

- - Thank You

Do you have a photo of your son or daughter that you know will get people to say, “Awwww… so cute!”?


Glue a cute photo of your child to the front of a blank note card for a thoughtful thank you card!

That’s exactly what you’ll need for making this thank you card using a photo of your child.

When my son turned two years old, I wrote thank you cards to everyone who gave him a gift. Even though my son isn’t old enough to make or write his own thank you cards, I still wanted his thank you cards to be representative of him and his Oklahoma City Thunder basketball-themed birthday party.

I purchased blank note cards in the Thunder’s team colors, blue and orange, and made multiple 4X4 prints of a close-up photo I took of my son at his birthday party. In the photo, he is wearing his Thunder basketball jersey.

Not only is the photo adorable, but it will remind everyone of his birthday party!

thank-you-card-photo-child2-thoughtful-gift-ideaI used a glue stick (or you can use tape) to attach copies of the photo to the front of the note cards to instantly turn them into one-of-a-kind thank you cards! Easy peasy!

If I were to guess… your friends and family would prefer thank you cards with photos of your child over any store-bought cards.

Older children can help make these cards by trimming the photos with Decorative Edger Scissors, attaching them to the note cards, and writing a sweet message inside. Heck, teenage children may want to use one of their selfies for the photo!

The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face.  – Jack Handy

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